#include "kernel/prelude/kernel_prelude.hats" #define ATS_DYNLOADFLAG 0 staload BOOT = "kernel/bootinfo/multiboot.sats" staload "./frame.sats" staload "lib/SATS/init.sats" staload "lib/DATS/init.dats" staload UN = "prelude/SATS/unsafe.sats" fn containing_address{l:addr}(address : ptr l):<> frame_t = @{ counter = $UN.cast{size_t}(address) / i2sz(PAGE_SIZE) } fn containing_area(area : $BOOT.memory_area_t) :<> frame_t = containing_address(ptr_add(area.base_addr,area.length - i2sz(1))) //FIX: function doesn't handle no frames left fn choose_next_area(allocator : &frame_allocator_t) : void = let val length = g1ofg0($BOOT.get_memory_mappings_n()) val next_free_frame = allocator.next_free_frame fun loop {n,i : nat | i < n} .. ( i : size_t i, n : size_t n) : $BOOT.memory_area_t = let val entry = $BOOT.get_memory_mapping(i) val fr = containing_area(entry) in if (entry.type = 1 && fr.num >= next_free_frame.num) then entry else if (i < n-1) then loop (succ(i),n) else entry //TODO: fix end in if (length > 0) then //TODO: fix allocator.current_area := loop(i2sz(0), length); if (allocator.current_area.length > 1) then let val start_frame = containing_address(allocator.current_area.base_addr) in if (allocator.next_free_frame.num < start_frame.num) then allocator.next_free_frame := start_frame end end local // Private function extern fn _allocate_frame(allocator: &frame_allocator_t): frame_t in local // Static variable var _v : frame_allocator_t? prval () = opt_none _v var v = uninitialized(_v) // Reference to allocator val allocator_ref = ref_make_viewptr{initializable frame_allocator_t} (view@v | addr@v) in implement init(kernel_start, kernel_end, multiboot_start, multiboot_end) = let val allocator = @{ next_free_frame = containing_address(the_null_ptr), current_area = $BOOT.invalid_area, kernel_start = containing_address(kernel_start), kernel_end = containing_address(kernel_end), multiboot_start = containing_address(multiboot_start), multiboot_end = containing_address(multiboot_end) } : frame_allocator_t implement initialize$fwork(v) = ( v := allocator; $effmask_ref(choose_next_area(v)); let prval () = opt_some v in true end ) in initialize(allocator_ref) end implement allocate_frame(): frame_t = let implement exec$fwork(v) = $effmask_ref(_allocate_frame(v)) in exec(allocator_ref) end end implement _allocate_frame(allocator) : frame_t = if (allocator.current_area.type != 0u) then let val area = allocator.current_area val frame = @{ num = allocator.next_free_frame.num } // last frame of current area val last_frame_area = containing_area(area) in if (frame.num > last_frame_area.num) then ( // all frames of current area are used, switch to next area choose_next_area(allocator); _allocate_frame(allocator) ) else if (frame.num >= allocator.kernel_start.num && frame.num <= allocator.kernel_end.num) then ( // frame is used by kernel allocator.next_free_frame := @{num = allocator.kernel_end.num + 1}; _allocate_frame(allocator) ) else if (frame.num >= allocator.multiboot_start.num && frame.num <= allocator.multiboot_end.num) then ( // frame is used by multiboot info structure allocator.next_free_frame := @{num = allocator.multiboot_end.num + 1}; _allocate_frame(allocator) ) else ( // frame is unused, increment `next_free_frame` and return it allocator.next_free_frame.num := succ(allocator.next_free_frame.num); frame ); end else @{num = i2sz(0)} // No free frames left end