path: root/web/pw-visualizer/src/index.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'web/pw-visualizer/src/index.ts')
1 files changed, 666 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/pw-visualizer/src/index.ts b/web/pw-visualizer/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363a1c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/pw-visualizer/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+import { Game } from "planetwars-rs";
+// import { memory } from "planetwars-rs/planetwars_rs_bg";
+// const memory = planetwars_bg.memory;
+import type { Dictionary } from './webgl/util';
+import type { BBox } from "./voronoi/voronoi-core";
+import {
+ Resizer,
+ resizeCanvasToDisplaySize,
+ FPSCounter,
+ url_to_mesh,
+ Mesh,
+} from "./webgl/util";
+import {
+ Shader,
+ Uniform4f,
+ Uniform3fv,
+ Uniform1f,
+ Uniform2f,
+ ShaderFactory,
+ Uniform3f,
+ UniformMatrix3fv,
+ UniformBool,
+} from "./webgl/shader";
+import { Renderer } from "./webgl/renderer";
+import { VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer } from "./webgl/buffer";
+import { VertexBufferLayout, VertexArray } from "./webgl/vertexBufferLayout";
+import { defaultLabelFactory, LabelFactory, Align, Label } from "./webgl/text";
+import { VoronoiBuilder } from "./voronoi/voronoi";
+// svg-mesh requires global to exist
+(window as any).global = window;
+function to_bbox(box: number[]): BBox {
+ return {
+ xl: box[0],
+ xr: box[0] + box[2],
+ yt: box[1],
+ yb: box[1] + box[3],
+ };
+// function f32v(ptr: number, size: number): Float32Array {
+// return new Float32Array(memory.buffer, ptr, size);
+// }
+// function i32v(ptr: number, size: number): Int32Array {
+// return new Int32Array(memory.buffer, ptr, size);
+// }
+export function set_game_name(name: string) {
+ ELEMENTS["name"].innerHTML = name;
+export function set_loading(loading: boolean) {
+ if (loading) {
+ if (!ELEMENTS["main"].classList.contains("loading")) {
+ ELEMENTS["main"].classList.add("loading");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ELEMENTS["main"].classList.remove("loading");
+ }
+const ELEMENTS: any = {};
+var CANVAS: any;
+var RESOLUTION: any;
+var GL: any;
+var ms_per_frame: any;
+const LAYERS = {
+ vor: -1, // Background
+ planet: 1,
+ planet_label: 2,
+ ship: 3,
+ ship_label: 4,
+const COUNTER = new FPSCounter();
+export function init() {
+ [
+ "name",
+ "turnCounter",
+ "main",
+ "turnSlider",
+ "fileselect",
+ "speed",
+ "canvas",
+ ].forEach((n) => (ELEMENTS[n] = document.getElementById(n)));
+ CANVAS = ELEMENTS["canvas"];
+ RESOLUTION = [CANVAS.width, CANVAS.height];
+ ms_per_frame = parseInt(ELEMENTS["speed"].value);
+ GL = CANVAS.getContext("webgl");
+ GL.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ GL.enable(GL.BLEND);
+ window.addEventListener(
+ "resize",
+ function () {
+ resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(CANVAS);
+ if (game_instance) {
+ game_instance.on_resize();
+ }
+ },
+ { capture: false, passive: true }
+ );
+ ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].oninput = function () {
+ if (game_instance) {
+ game_instance.updateTurn(parseInt(ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].value));
+ }
+ };
+ ELEMENTS["speed"].onchange = function () {
+ ms_per_frame = parseInt(ELEMENTS["speed"].value);
+ };
+export class GameInstance {
+ resizer: Resizer;
+ game: Game;
+ shader: Shader;
+ vor_shader: Shader;
+ image_shader: Shader;
+ text_factory: LabelFactory;
+ planet_labels: Label[];
+ ship_labels: Label[];
+ ship_ibo: IndexBuffer;
+ ship_vao: VertexArray;
+ // TODO: find a better way
+ max_num_ships: number;
+ renderer: Renderer;
+ planet_count: number;
+ vor_builder: VoronoiBuilder;
+ vor_counter = 3;
+ use_vor = true;
+ playing = true;
+ time_stopped_delta = 0;
+ last_time = 0;
+ frame = -1;
+ turn_count = 0;
+ constructor(
+ game: Game,
+ meshes: Mesh[],
+ ship_mesh: Mesh,
+ shaders: Dictionary<ShaderFactory>
+ ) {
+ this.game = game;
+ const planets = game.get_planets();
+ this.planet_count = planets.length;
+ this.shader = shaders["normal"].create_shader(GL, {
+ MAX_CIRCLES: "" + planets.length,
+ });
+ this.image_shader = shaders["image"].create_shader(GL);
+ this.vor_shader = shaders["vor"].create_shader(GL, {
+ PLANETS: "" + planets.length,
+ });
+ this.text_factory = defaultLabelFactory(GL, this.image_shader);
+ this.planet_labels = [];
+ this.ship_labels = [];
+ this.resizer = new Resizer(CANVAS, [...game.get_viewbox()], true);
+ this.renderer = new Renderer();
+ this.game.update_turn(0);
+ // Setup key handling
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKey.bind(this));
+ // List of [(x, y, r)] for all planets
+ this._create_voronoi(planets);
+ this._create_planets(planets, meshes);
+ // create_shipes
+ this.ship_ibo = new IndexBuffer(GL, ship_mesh.cells);
+ const ship_positions = new VertexBuffer(GL, ship_mesh.positions);
+ const ship_layout = new VertexBufferLayout();
+ ship_layout.push(GL.FLOAT, 3, 4, "a_position");
+ this.ship_vao = new VertexArray();
+ this.ship_vao.addBuffer(ship_positions, ship_layout);
+ this.max_num_ships = 0;
+ // Set slider correctly
+ this.turn_count = game.turn_count();
+ ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].max = this.turn_count - 1 + "";
+ }
+ push_state(state: string) {
+ this.game.push_state(state);
+ if (this.frame == this.turn_count - 1) {
+ this.playing = true;
+ }
+ // Set slider correctly
+ this.turn_count = this.game.turn_count();
+ this.updateTurnCounters();
+ }
+ _create_voronoi(planets: Float32Array) {
+ const planet_points = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < planets.length; i += 3) {
+ planet_points.push({ x: -planets[i], y: -planets[i + 1] });
+ }
+ const bbox = to_bbox(this.resizer.get_viewbox());
+ this.vor_builder = new VoronoiBuilder(
+ GL,
+ this.vor_shader,
+ planet_points,
+ bbox
+ );
+ this.renderer.addRenderable(this.vor_builder.getRenderable(), LAYERS.vor);
+ }
+ _create_planets(planets: Float32Array, meshes: Mesh[]) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.planet_count; i++) {
+ {
+ const transform = new UniformMatrix3fv([
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ -planets[i * 3],
+ -planets[i * 3 + 1],
+ 1,
+ ]);
+ const indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(
+ GL,
+ meshes[i % meshes.length].cells
+ );
+ const positionBuffer = new VertexBuffer(
+ GL,
+ meshes[i % meshes.length].positions
+ );
+ const layout = new VertexBufferLayout();
+ layout.push(GL.FLOAT, 3, 4, "a_position");
+ const vao = new VertexArray();
+ vao.addBuffer(positionBuffer, layout);
+ this.renderer.addToDraw(
+ indexBuffer,
+ vao,
+ this.shader,
+ {
+ u_trans: transform,
+ u_trans_next: transform,
+ },
+ [],
+ LAYERS.planet
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ const transform = new UniformMatrix3fv([
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ -planets[i * 3],
+ -planets[i * 3 + 1] - 1.2,
+ 1,
+ ]);
+ const label = this.text_factory.build(GL, transform);
+ this.planet_labels.push(label);
+ this.renderer.addRenderable(label.getRenderable(), LAYERS.planet_label);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ on_resize() {
+ this.resizer = new Resizer(CANVAS, [...this.game.get_viewbox()], true);
+ const bbox = to_bbox(this.resizer.get_viewbox());
+ this.vor_builder.resize(GL, bbox);
+ }
+ _update_state() {
+ this._update_planets();
+ this._update_ships();
+ }
+ _update_planets() {
+ const colours = this.game.get_planet_colors();
+ const planet_ships = this.game.get_planet_ships();
+ this.vor_shader.uniform(GL, "u_planet_colours", new Uniform3fv(colours));
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.planet_count; i++) {
+ const u = new Uniform3f(
+ colours[i * 6],
+ colours[i * 6 + 1],
+ colours[i * 6 + 2]
+ );
+ this.renderer.updateUniform(
+ i,
+ (us) => (us["u_color"] = u),
+ LAYERS.planet
+ );
+ const u2 = new Uniform3f(
+ colours[i * 6 + 3],
+ colours[i * 6 + 4],
+ colours[i * 6 + 5]
+ );
+ this.renderer.updateUniform(
+ i,
+ (us) => (us["u_color_next"] = u2),
+ LAYERS.planet
+ );
+ this.planet_labels[i].setText(
+ GL,
+ "*" + planet_ships[i],
+ Align.Middle,
+ Align.Begin
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ _update_ships() {
+ const ships = this.game.get_ship_locations();
+ const labels = this.game.get_ship_label_locations();
+ const ship_counts = this.game.get_ship_counts();
+ const ship_colours = this.game.get_ship_colours();
+ for (let i = this.max_num_ships; i < ship_counts.length; i++) {
+ this.renderer.addToDraw(
+ this.ship_ibo,
+ this.ship_vao,
+ this.shader,
+ {},
+ [],
+ LAYERS.ship
+ );
+ const label = this.text_factory.build(GL);
+ this.ship_labels.push(label);
+ this.renderer.addRenderable(label.getRenderable(), LAYERS.ship_label);
+ }
+ if (ship_counts.length > this.max_num_ships)
+ this.max_num_ships = ship_counts.length;
+ // TODO: actually remove obsolete ships
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.max_num_ships; i++) {
+ if (i < ship_counts.length) {
+ this.ship_labels[i].setText(
+ GL,
+ "" + ship_counts[i],
+ Align.Middle,
+ Align.Middle
+ );
+ this.renderer.enableRenderable(i, LAYERS.ship);
+ this.renderer.enableRenderable(i, LAYERS.ship_label);
+ const u = new Uniform3f(
+ ship_colours[i * 3],
+ ship_colours[i * 3 + 1],
+ ship_colours[i * 3 + 2]
+ );
+ const t1 = new UniformMatrix3fv(ships.slice(i * 18, i * 18 + 9));
+ const t2 = new UniformMatrix3fv(ships.slice(i * 18 + 9, i * 18 + 18));
+ const tl1 = new UniformMatrix3fv(labels.slice(i * 18, i * 18 + 9));
+ const tl2 = new UniformMatrix3fv(labels.slice(i * 18 + 9, i * 18 + 18));
+ this.renderer.updateUniform(
+ i,
+ (us) => {
+ us["u_color"] = u;
+ us["u_color_next"] = u;
+ us["u_trans"] = t1;
+ us["u_trans_next"] = t2;
+ },
+ LAYERS.ship
+ );
+ this.renderer.updateUniform(
+ i,
+ (us) => {
+ us["u_trans"] = tl1;
+ us["u_trans_next"] = tl2;
+ },
+ LAYERS.ship_label
+ );
+ } else {
+ this.renderer.disableRenderable(i, LAYERS.ship);
+ this.renderer.disableRenderable(i, LAYERS.ship_label);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ render(time: number) {
+ COUNTER.frame(time);
+ if (COUNTER.delta(time) < 30) {
+ this.vor_counter = Math.min(3, this.vor_counter + 1);
+ } else {
+ this.vor_counter = Math.max(-3, this.vor_counter - 1);
+ }
+ if (this.vor_counter < -2) {
+ this.use_vor = false;
+ }
+ // If not playing, still reder with different viewbox, so people can still pan etc.
+ if (!this.playing) {
+ this.last_time = time;
+ this.shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_viewbox",
+ new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
+ );
+ this.vor_shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_viewbox",
+ new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
+ );
+ this.image_shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_viewbox",
+ new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
+ );
+ this.renderer.render(GL);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if turn is still correct
+ if (time > this.last_time + ms_per_frame) {
+ this.last_time = time;
+ this.updateTurn(this.frame + 1);
+ if (this.frame == this.turn_count - 1) {
+ this.playing = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do GL things
+ GL.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+ GL.viewport(0, 0, GL.canvas.width, GL.canvas.height);
+ this.vor_shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_time",
+ new Uniform1f((time - this.last_time) / ms_per_frame)
+ );
+ this.vor_shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_viewbox",
+ new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
+ );
+ this.vor_shader.uniform(GL, "u_resolution", new Uniform2f(RESOLUTION));
+ this.vor_shader.uniform(GL, "u_vor", new UniformBool(this.use_vor));
+ this.shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_time",
+ new Uniform1f((time - this.last_time) / ms_per_frame)
+ );
+ this.shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_mouse",
+ new Uniform2f(this.resizer.get_mouse_pos())
+ );
+ this.shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_viewbox",
+ new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
+ );
+ this.shader.uniform(GL, "u_resolution", new Uniform2f(RESOLUTION));
+ this.image_shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_time",
+ new Uniform1f((time - this.last_time) / ms_per_frame)
+ );
+ this.image_shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_mouse",
+ new Uniform2f(this.resizer.get_mouse_pos())
+ );
+ this.image_shader.uniform(
+ GL,
+ "u_viewbox",
+ new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
+ );
+ this.image_shader.uniform(GL, "u_resolution", new Uniform2f(RESOLUTION));
+ // Render
+ this.renderer.render(GL);
+ COUNTER.frame_end();
+ }
+ updateTurn(turn: number) {
+ this.frame = Math.max(0, turn);
+ const new_frame = this.game.update_turn(this.frame);
+ if (new_frame < this.frame) {
+ this.frame = new_frame;
+ this.playing = false;
+ } else {
+ this._update_state();
+ this.playing = true;
+ }
+ this.updateTurnCounters();
+ }
+ updateTurnCounters() {
+ ELEMENTS["turnCounter"].innerHTML =
+ this.frame + " / " + (this.turn_count - 1);
+ ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].value = this.frame + "";
+ ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].max = this.turn_count - 1 + "";
+ }
+ handleKey(event: KeyboardEvent) {
+ // Space
+ if (event.keyCode == 32) {
+ if (this.playing) {
+ this.playing = false;
+ } else {
+ this.playing = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Arrow left
+ if (event.keyCode == 37) {
+ // This feels more natural than -1 what it should be, I think
+ this.updateTurn(this.frame - 2);
+ }
+ // Arrow right
+ if (event.keyCode == 39) {
+ this.updateTurn(this.frame + 1);
+ }
+ // d key
+ if (event.keyCode == 68) {
+ ELEMENTS["speed"].value = ms_per_frame + 10 + "";
+ ELEMENTS["speed"].onchange(undefined);
+ }
+ // a key
+ if (event.keyCode == 65) {
+ ELEMENTS["speed"].value = Math.max(ms_per_frame - 10, 0) + "";
+ ELEMENTS["speed"].onchange(undefined);
+ }
+ }
+var game_instance: GameInstance;
+var meshes: Mesh[];
+var shaders: Dictionary<ShaderFactory>;
+export async function set_instance(source: string): Promise<GameInstance> {
+ if (!meshes || !shaders) {
+ const mesh_promises = ["ship.svg", "earth.svg", "mars.svg", "venus.svg"]
+ .map((name) => "/static/res/assets/" + name)
+ .map(url_to_mesh);
+ const shader_promies = [
+ (async () =>
+ <[string, ShaderFactory]>[
+ "normal",
+ await ShaderFactory.create_factory(
+ "/static/shaders/frag/simple.glsl",
+ "/static/shaders/vert/simple.glsl"
+ ),
+ ])(),
+ (async () =>
+ <[string, ShaderFactory]>[
+ "vor",
+ await ShaderFactory.create_factory(
+ "/static/shaders/frag/vor.glsl",
+ "/static/shaders/vert/vor.glsl"
+ ),
+ ])(),
+ (async () =>
+ <[string, ShaderFactory]>[
+ "image",
+ await ShaderFactory.create_factory(
+ "/static/shaders/frag/image.glsl",
+ "/static/shaders/vert/simple.glsl"
+ ),
+ ])(),
+ ];
+ let shaders_array: [string, ShaderFactory][];
+ [meshes, shaders_array] = await Promise.all([
+ Promise.all(mesh_promises),
+ Promise.all(shader_promies),
+ ]);
+ shaders = {};
+ shaders_array.forEach(([name, fac]) => (shaders[name] = fac));
+ }
+ resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(CANVAS);
+ game_instance = new GameInstance(
+ Game.new(source),
+ meshes.slice(1),
+ meshes[0],
+ shaders
+ );
+ set_loading(false);
+ start();
+ return game_instance;
+var _animating = false;
+export function start() {
+ if (_animating) {
+ // already running
+ return;
+ }
+ _animating = true;
+ requestAnimationFrame(step);
+export function stop() {
+ _animating = false;
+function step(time: number) {
+ if (game_instance) {
+ game_instance.render(time);
+ }
+ if (_animating) {
+ requestAnimationFrame(step);
+ }