use super::matches::BotMatchOutcome; use crate::schema::matches; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use diesel::pg::Pg; use diesel::query_builder::{AstPass, Query, QueryFragment, QueryId}; use diesel::sql_types::*; use diesel::{PgConnection, QueryResult, RunQueryDsl}; pub struct ListBotMatches { pub bot_id: i32, pub opponent_id: Option, pub outcome: Option, pub before: Option, pub after: Option, pub amount: i64, } impl QueryFragment for ListBotMatches { fn walk_ast<'b>(&'b self, mut out: AstPass<'_, 'b, Pg>) -> QueryResult<()> { out.unsafe_to_cache_prepared(); out.push_sql("SELECT matches.* FROM matches"); out.push_sql(" JOIN ("); out.push_sql(concat!( "SELECT match_id, player_id, bot_version_id, bot_id ", "FROM match_players ", "JOIN bot_versions ON match_players.bot_version_id = ", "WHERE bot_id = " )); out.push_bind_param::(&self.bot_id)?; out.push_sql(") main_player ON = main_player.match_id"); if let Some(opponent_id) = self.opponent_id.as_ref() { out.push_sql(" JOIN ("); out.push_sql(concat!( "SELECT match_id, player_id, bot_version_id, bot_id ", "FROM match_players ", "JOIN bot_versions ON match_players.bot_version_id = ", "WHERE bot_id = " )); out.push_bind_param::(opponent_id)?; out.push_sql(") other_player ON = other_player.match_id"); } out.push_sql(" WHERE matches.state = 'finished' AND matches.is_public = true"); if let Some(outcome) = self.outcome.as_ref() { match outcome { BotMatchOutcome::Win => { out.push_sql(" AND matches.winner = main_player.player_id"); } BotMatchOutcome::Loss => { out.push_sql(" AND matches.winner <> main_player.player_id"); } BotMatchOutcome::Tie => { out.push_sql(" AND matches.winner IS NULL"); } } } if let Some(before) = self.before.as_ref() { out.push_sql(" AND matches.created_at < "); out.push_bind_param::(before)?; out.push_sql(" ORDER BY matches.created_at DESC"); } else if let Some(after) = self.after.as_ref() { out.push_sql(" AND matches.created_at > "); out.push_bind_param::(after)?; out.push_sql(" ORDER BY matches.created_at ASC"); } out.push_sql(" LIMIT "); out.push_bind_param::(&self.amount)?; Ok(()) } } impl Query for ListBotMatches { type SqlType = matches::SqlType; } impl QueryId for ListBotMatches { type QueryId = (); const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = false; } impl RunQueryDsl for ListBotMatches {}