pub use crate::db_types::MatchState; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use diesel::associations::BelongsTo; use diesel::pg::Pg; use diesel::sql_types::*; use diesel::{ BelongingToDsl, ExpressionMethods, JoinOnDsl, NullableExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl, }; use diesel::{Connection, GroupedBy, PgConnection, QueryResult}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use crate::schema::{bot_versions, bots, maps, match_players, matches}; use super::bots::{Bot, BotVersion}; use super::maps::Map; use super::match_queries::ListBotMatches; #[derive(Insertable)] #[diesel(table_name = matches)] pub struct NewMatch<'a> { pub state: MatchState, pub log_path: &'a str, pub is_public: bool, pub map_id: Option, } #[derive(Insertable)] #[diesel(table_name = match_players)] pub struct NewMatchPlayer { /// id of the match this player is in pub match_id: i32, /// player id within the match pub player_id: i32, /// id of the bot behind this player pub bot_version_id: Option, } #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable)] #[diesel(table_name = matches)] pub struct MatchBase { pub id: i32, pub state: MatchState, pub log_path: String, pub created_at: NaiveDateTime, pub winner: Option, pub is_public: bool, pub map_id: Option, } #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, Associations, Clone)] #[diesel(primary_key(match_id, player_id))] #[diesel(belongs_to(MatchBase, foreign_key = match_id))] pub struct MatchPlayer { pub match_id: i32, pub player_id: i32, pub code_bundle_id: Option, pub had_errors: Option, } pub struct MatchPlayerData { pub code_bundle_id: Option, } pub fn create_match( new_match_base: &NewMatch, new_match_players: &[MatchPlayerData], conn: &mut PgConnection, ) -> QueryResult { conn.transaction(|conn| { let match_base = diesel::insert_into(matches::table) .values(new_match_base) .get_result::(conn)?; let new_match_players = new_match_players .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(num, player_data)| NewMatchPlayer { match_id:, player_id: num as i32, bot_version_id: player_data.code_bundle_id, }) .collect::>(); let match_players = diesel::insert_into(match_players::table) .values(&new_match_players) .get_results::(conn)?; Ok(MatchData { base: match_base, match_players, }) }) } pub struct MatchData { pub base: MatchBase, pub match_players: Vec, } /// Add player information to MatchBase instances fn fetch_full_match_data( matches: Vec, conn: &mut PgConnection, ) -> QueryResult> { let map_ids: HashSet = matches.iter().filter_map(|m| m.map_id).collect(); let maps_by_id: HashMap = maps::table .filter(maps::id.eq_any(map_ids)) .load::(conn)? .into_iter() .map(|m| (, m)) .collect(); let match_players = MatchPlayer::belonging_to(&matches) .left_join( bot_versions::table.on(match_players::bot_version_id.eq(bot_versions::id.nullable())), ) .left_join(bots::table.on(bot_versions::bot_id.eq(bots::id.nullable()))) .order_by(( match_players::match_id.asc(), match_players::player_id.asc(), )) .load::(conn)? .grouped_by(&matches); let res = matches .into_iter() .zip(match_players.into_iter()) .map(|(base, players)| FullMatchData { match_players: players.into_iter().collect(), map: base .map_id .and_then(|map_id| maps_by_id.get(&map_id).cloned()), base, }) .collect(); Ok(res) } // TODO: this method should disappear pub fn list_matches(amount: i64, conn: &mut PgConnection) -> QueryResult> { conn.transaction(|conn| { let matches = matches::table .filter(matches::state.eq(MatchState::Finished)) .order_by(matches::created_at.desc()) .limit(amount) .get_results::(conn)?; fetch_full_match_data(matches, conn) }) } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] pub enum BotMatchOutcome { Win, Loss, Tie, } pub fn list_public_matches( amount: i64, before: Option, after: Option, conn: &mut PgConnection, ) -> QueryResult> { conn.transaction(|conn| { let query = finished_public_matches_query(before, after).limit(amount); let matches = query.get_results::(conn)?; fetch_full_match_data(matches, conn) }) } pub fn list_bot_matches( bot_id: i32, opponent_id: Option, map_id: Option, outcome: Option, had_errors: Option, amount: i64, before: Option, after: Option, conn: &mut PgConnection, ) -> QueryResult> { let lbm = ListBotMatches { bot_id, outcome, had_errors, opponent_id, map_id, before, after, amount, }; let matches = lbm.get_results(conn)?; fetch_full_match_data(matches, conn) } fn finished_public_matches_query( before: Option, after: Option, ) -> matches::BoxedQuery<'static, Pg> { let query = matches::table .filter(matches::state.eq(MatchState::Finished)) .filter(matches::is_public.eq(true)) .into_boxed(); match (before, after) { (None, None) => query.order_by(matches::created_at.desc()), (Some(before), None) => query .filter( .order_by(matches::created_at.desc()), (None, Some(after)) => query .filter( .order_by(matches::created_at.asc()), (Some(before), Some(after)) => query .filter( .filter( .order_by(matches::created_at.desc()), } } // TODO: maybe unify this with matchdata? pub struct FullMatchData { pub base: MatchBase, pub map: Option, pub match_players: Vec, } #[derive(Queryable)] // #[primary_key(base.match_id, base::player_id)] pub struct FullMatchPlayerData { pub base: MatchPlayer, pub bot_version: Option, pub bot: Option, } impl BelongsTo for FullMatchPlayerData { type ForeignKey = i32; type ForeignKeyColumn = match_players::match_id; fn foreign_key(&self) -> Option<&Self::ForeignKey> { Some(&self.base.match_id) } fn foreign_key_column() -> Self::ForeignKeyColumn { match_players::match_id } } pub fn find_match(id: i32, conn: &mut PgConnection) -> QueryResult { conn.transaction(|conn| { let match_base = matches::table.find(id).get_result::(conn)?; let map = match match_base.map_id { None => None, Some(map_id) => Some(super::maps::find_map(map_id, conn)?), }; let match_players = MatchPlayer::belonging_to(&match_base) .left_join( bot_versions::table .on(match_players::bot_version_id.eq(bot_versions::id.nullable())), ) .left_join(bots::table.on(bot_versions::bot_id.eq(bots::id.nullable()))) .order_by(match_players::player_id.asc()) .load::(conn)?; let res = FullMatchData { base: match_base, match_players, map, }; Ok(res) }) } pub fn find_match_base(id: i32, conn: &mut PgConnection) -> QueryResult { matches::table.find(id).get_result::(conn) } pub enum MatchResult { Finished { winner: Option }, } pub fn save_match_result(id: i32, result: MatchResult, conn: &mut PgConnection) -> QueryResult<()> { let MatchResult::Finished { winner } = result; diesel::update(matches::table.find(id)) .set(( matches::winner.eq(winner), matches::state.eq(MatchState::Finished), )) .execute(conn)?; Ok(()) } pub fn set_player_had_errors( match_id: i32, player_id: i32, had_errors: bool, conn: &mut PgConnection, ) -> QueryResult<()> { let num_modified = diesel::update(match_players::table) .filter(match_players::match_id.eq(match_id)) .filter(match_players::player_id.eq(player_id)) .set(match_players::had_errors.eq(had_errors)) .execute(conn)?; if num_modified == 0 { Err(diesel::result::Error::NotFound) } else { Ok(()) } } #[derive(QueryableByName)] pub struct BotStatsRecord { #[diesel(sql_type = Text)] pub opponent: String, #[diesel(sql_type = Text)] pub map: String, #[diesel(sql_type = Nullable)] pub win: Option, #[diesel(sql_type = Int8)] pub count: i64, } pub fn fetch_bot_stats( bot_name: &str, db_conn: &mut PgConnection, ) -> QueryResult> { diesel::sql_query( " SELECT opponent, map, win, COUNT(*) as count FROM ( SELECT as opponent, as map, (matches.winner = bot_player.player_id) as win FROM matches JOIN maps ON matches.map_id = JOIN match_players bot_player ON bot_player.match_id = JOIN bot_versions bot_version ON = bot_player.bot_version_id JOIN bots bot ON = bot_version.bot_id JOIN match_players opponent_player ON opponent_player.match_id = AND opponent_player.player_id = 1 - bot_player.player_id JOIN bot_versions opponent_version ON = opponent_player.bot_version_id LEFT OUTER JOIN bots opponent_bot ON opponent_version.bot_id = WHERE matches.state = 'finished' AND matches.is_public AND = $1 ORDER BY matches.created_at DESC LIMIT 10000 ) bot_matches GROUP BY opponent, map, win HAVING opponent IS NOT NULL", ) .bind::(bot_name) .load(db_conn) }