// TODO: this module is functional, but it needs a good refactor for proper error handling. use axum::body::{Body, StreamBody}; use axum::extract::{BodyStream, FromRequest, Path, Query, RequestParts, TypedHeader}; use axum::headers::authorization::Basic; use axum::headers::Authorization; use axum::response::{IntoResponse, Response}; use axum::routing::{get, head, post, put}; use axum::{async_trait, Extension, Router}; use futures::StreamExt; use hyper::StatusCode; use serde::Serialize; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use tokio_util::io::ReaderStream; use crate::db::bots::NewBotVersion; use crate::util::gen_alphanumeric; use crate::{db, DatabaseConnection, GlobalConfig}; use crate::db::users::{authenticate_user, Credentials, User}; pub fn registry_service() -> Router { Router::new() // The docker API requires this trailing slash .nest("/v2/", registry_api_v2()) } fn registry_api_v2() -> Router { Router::new() .route("/", get(get_root)) .route( "/:name/manifests/:reference", get(get_manifest).put(put_manifest), ) .route( "/:name/blobs/:digest", head(check_blob_exists).get(get_blob), ) .route("/:name/blobs/uploads/", post(create_upload)) .route( "/:name/blobs/uploads/:uuid", put(put_upload).patch(patch_upload), ) } const ADMIN_USERNAME: &str = "admin"; type AuthorizationHeader = TypedHeader>; enum RegistryAuth { User(User), Admin, } enum RegistryAuthError { NoAuthHeader, InvalidCredentials, } impl IntoResponse for RegistryAuthError { fn into_response(self) -> Response { // TODO: create enum for registry errors let err = RegistryErrors { errors: vec![RegistryError { code: "UNAUTHORIZED".to_string(), message: "please log in".to_string(), detail: serde_json::Value::Null, }], }; ( StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, [ ("Docker-Distribution-API-Version", "registry/2.0"), ("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic"), ], serde_json::to_string(&err).unwrap(), ) .into_response() } } #[async_trait] impl FromRequest for RegistryAuth where B: Send, { type Rejection = RegistryAuthError; async fn from_request(req: &mut RequestParts) -> Result { let TypedHeader(Authorization(basic)) = AuthorizationHeader::from_request(req) .await .map_err(|_| RegistryAuthError::NoAuthHeader)?; // TODO: Into would be nice let credentials = Credentials { username: basic.username(), password: basic.password(), }; let Extension(config) = Extension::>::from_request(req) .await .unwrap(); if credentials.username == ADMIN_USERNAME { if credentials.password == config.registry_admin_password { Ok(RegistryAuth::Admin) } else { Err(RegistryAuthError::InvalidCredentials) } } else { let mut db_conn = DatabaseConnection::from_request(req).await.unwrap(); let user = authenticate_user(&credentials, &mut db_conn) .ok_or(RegistryAuthError::InvalidCredentials)?; Ok(RegistryAuth::User(user)) } } } // Since async file io just calls spawn_blocking internally, it does not really make sense // to make this an async function fn file_sha256_digest(path: &std::path::Path) -> std::io::Result { let mut file = std::fs::File::open(path)?; let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); let _n = std::io::copy(&mut file, &mut hasher)?; Ok(format!("{:x}", hasher.finalize())) } /// Get the index of the last byte in a file async fn last_byte_pos(file: &tokio::fs::File) -> std::io::Result { let n_bytes = file.metadata().await?.len(); let pos = if n_bytes == 0 { 0 } else { n_bytes - 1 }; Ok(pos) } async fn get_root(_auth: RegistryAuth) -> impl IntoResponse { // root should return 200 OK to confirm api compliance Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header("Docker-Distribution-API-Version", "registry/2.0") .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap() } #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct RegistryErrors { errors: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct RegistryError { code: String, message: String, detail: serde_json::Value, } async fn check_blob_exists( mut db_conn: DatabaseConnection, auth: RegistryAuth, Path((repository_name, raw_digest)): Path<(String, String)>, Extension(config): Extension>, ) -> Result { check_access(&repository_name, &auth, &mut db_conn)?; let digest = raw_digest.strip_prefix("sha256:").unwrap(); let blob_path = PathBuf::from(&config.registry_directory) .join("sha256") .join(&digest); if blob_path.exists() { let metadata = std::fs::metadata(&blob_path).unwrap(); Ok((StatusCode::OK, [("Content-Length", metadata.len())])) } else { Err(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) } } async fn get_blob( mut db_conn: DatabaseConnection, auth: RegistryAuth, Path((repository_name, raw_digest)): Path<(String, String)>, Extension(config): Extension>, ) -> Result { check_access(&repository_name, &auth, &mut db_conn)?; let digest = raw_digest.strip_prefix("sha256:").unwrap(); let blob_path = PathBuf::from(&config.registry_directory) .join("sha256") .join(&digest); if !blob_path.exists() { return Err(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND); } let file = tokio::fs::File::open(&blob_path).await.unwrap(); let reader_stream = ReaderStream::new(file); let stream_body = StreamBody::new(reader_stream); Ok(stream_body) } async fn create_upload( mut db_conn: DatabaseConnection, auth: RegistryAuth, Path(repository_name): Path, Extension(config): Extension>, ) -> Result { check_access(&repository_name, &auth, &mut db_conn)?; let uuid = gen_alphanumeric(16); tokio::fs::File::create( PathBuf::from(&config.registry_directory) .join("uploads") .join(&uuid), ) .await .unwrap(); Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::ACCEPTED) .header( "Location", format!("/v2/{}/blobs/uploads/{}", repository_name, uuid), ) .header("Docker-Upload-UUID", uuid) .header("Range", "bytes=0-0") .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap()) } async fn patch_upload( mut db_conn: DatabaseConnection, auth: RegistryAuth, Path((repository_name, uuid)): Path<(String, String)>, mut stream: BodyStream, Extension(config): Extension>, ) -> Result { check_access(&repository_name, &auth, &mut db_conn)?; // TODO: support content range header in request let upload_path = PathBuf::from(&config.registry_directory) .join("uploads") .join(&uuid); let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new() .read(false) .write(true) .append(true) .create(false) .open(upload_path) .await .unwrap(); while let Some(Ok(chunk)) = stream.next().await { file.write_all(&chunk).await.unwrap(); } let last_byte = last_byte_pos(&file).await.unwrap(); Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::ACCEPTED) .header( "Location", format!("/v2/{}/blobs/uploads/{}", repository_name, uuid), ) .header("Docker-Upload-UUID", uuid) // range indicating current progress of the upload .header("Range", format!("0-{}", last_byte)) .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap()) } use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Deserialize)] struct UploadParams { digest: String, } async fn put_upload( mut db_conn: DatabaseConnection, auth: RegistryAuth, Path((repository_name, uuid)): Path<(String, String)>, Query(params): Query, mut stream: BodyStream, Extension(config): Extension>, ) -> Result { check_access(&repository_name, &auth, &mut db_conn)?; let upload_path = PathBuf::from(&config.registry_directory) .join("uploads") .join(&uuid); let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new() .read(false) .write(true) .append(true) .create(false) .open(&upload_path) .await .unwrap(); let range_begin = last_byte_pos(&file).await.unwrap(); while let Some(Ok(chunk)) = stream.next().await { file.write_all(&chunk).await.unwrap(); } let range_end = last_byte_pos(&file).await.unwrap(); // Close the file to ensure all data has been flushed to the kernel. // If we don't do this, calculating the checksum can fail. std::mem::drop(file); let expected_digest = params.digest.strip_prefix("sha256:").unwrap(); let digest = file_sha256_digest(&upload_path).unwrap(); if digest != expected_digest { // TODO: return a docker error body return Err(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } let target_path = PathBuf::from(&config.registry_directory) .join("sha256") .join(&digest); tokio::fs::rename(&upload_path, &target_path).await.unwrap(); Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::CREATED) .header( "Location", format!("/v2/{}/blobs/{}", repository_name, digest), ) .header("Docker-Upload-UUID", uuid) // content range for bytes that were in the body of this request .header("Content-Range", format!("{}-{}", range_begin, range_end)) .header("Docker-Content-Digest", params.digest) .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap()) } async fn get_manifest( mut db_conn: DatabaseConnection, auth: RegistryAuth, Path((repository_name, reference)): Path<(String, String)>, Extension(config): Extension>, ) -> Result { check_access(&repository_name, &auth, &mut db_conn)?; let manifest_path = PathBuf::from(&config.registry_directory) .join("manifests") .join(&repository_name) .join(&reference) .with_extension("json"); let data = tokio::fs::read(&manifest_path).await.unwrap(); let manifest: serde_json::Map = serde_json::from_slice(&data).unwrap(); let media_type = manifest.get("mediaType").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header("Content-Type", media_type) .body(axum::body::Full::from(data)) .unwrap()) } async fn put_manifest( mut db_conn: DatabaseConnection, auth: RegistryAuth, Path((repository_name, reference)): Path<(String, String)>, mut stream: BodyStream, Extension(config): Extension>, ) -> Result { let bot = check_access(&repository_name, &auth, &mut db_conn)?; let repository_dir = PathBuf::from(&config.registry_directory) .join("manifests") .join(&repository_name); tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&repository_dir).await.unwrap(); let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); let manifest_path = repository_dir.join(&reference).with_extension("json"); { let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .truncate(true) .open(&manifest_path) .await .unwrap(); while let Some(Ok(chunk)) = stream.next().await { hasher.update(&chunk); file.write_all(&chunk).await.unwrap(); } } let digest = hasher.finalize(); // TODO: store content-adressable manifests separately let content_digest = format!("sha256:{:x}", digest); let digest_path = repository_dir.join(&content_digest).with_extension("json"); tokio::fs::copy(manifest_path, digest_path).await.unwrap(); // Register the new image as a bot version // TODO: how should tags be handled? let new_version = NewBotVersion { bot_id: Some(bot.id), code_bundle_path: None, container_digest: Some(&content_digest), }; let version = db::bots::create_bot_version(&new_version, &mut db_conn) .expect("could not save bot version"); db::bots::set_active_version(bot.id, Some(version.id), &mut db_conn) .expect("could not update bot version"); Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::CREATED) .header( "Location", format!("/v2/{}/manifests/{}", repository_name, reference), ) .header("Docker-Content-Digest", content_digest) .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap()) } /// Ensure that the accessed repository exists /// and the user is allowed to access it. /// Returns the associated bot. fn check_access( repository_name: &str, auth: &RegistryAuth, db_conn: &mut DatabaseConnection, ) -> Result { use diesel::OptionalExtension; // TODO: it would be nice to provide the found repository // to the route handlers let bot = db::bots::find_bot_by_name(repository_name, db_conn) .optional() .expect("could not run query") .ok_or(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND)?; match &auth { RegistryAuth::Admin => Ok(bot), RegistryAuth::User(user) => { if bot.owner_id == Some(user.id) { Ok(bot) } else { Err(StatusCode::FORBIDDEN) } } } }