Welcome to planetwars!

Planetwars is a game of galactic conquest for busy people. Your goal is to program a bot that will conquer the galaxy for you, while you take care of more important stuff.

In every game turn, your bot will receive a json-encoded line on stdin, describing the current state of the game. Each state will hold a set of planets, and a set of spaceship fleets traveling between the planets (expeditions).

Example game state:

    "planets": [
        "ship_count": 2,
        "x": -2.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "owner": 1,
        "name": "your planet"
        "ship_count": 4,
        "x": 2.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "owner": 2,
        "name": "enemy planet"
        "ship_count": 2,
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 2.0,
        "owner": null,
        "name": "neutral planet"
    "expeditions": [
        "id": 169,
        "ship_count": 8,
        "origin": "your planet",
        "destination": "enemy planet",
        "owner": 1,
        "turns_remaining": 2

The owner field holds a player number when the planet is held by a player, and is null otherwise. Your bot is always referred to as player 1.
Each turn, every player-owned planet will gain one additional ship.
Planets will never move during the game.

Every turn, you may send out expeditions to conquer other planets. You can do this by writing a json-encoded line to stdout:

Example command:

    "moves": [
        "origin": "your planet",
        "target": "enemy planet",
        "ship_count": 2

All players send out their commands simultaneously, so there is no turn order. You may send as many commands as you please.

The amount of turns an expedition will travel is equal to the ceiled euclidean distance between its origin and target planet.

Ships will only battle on planets. Combat resolution is simple: every ship destroys one enemy ship, last man standing gets to keep the planet.

Head over to the editor view to get started - a working example is provided.
Feel free to just hit the play button to see how it works!