export interface Dictionary { [Key: string]: T; } interface OnLoadable { onload: any; } export function onload2promise(obj: T): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { obj.onload = () => resolve(obj); }); } export function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize( canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, multiplier?: number, ): boolean { multiplier = multiplier || 1; var width = canvas.clientWidth * multiplier | 0; var height = canvas.clientHeight * multiplier | 0; if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) { canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; return true; } return false; } export class FPSCounter { last: number; count: number; _delta: number; _prev: number; _frame_start: number; _total_frametime: number; constructor() { this.last = 0; this.count = 0; this._delta = 0; this._prev = 0; } frame(now: number) { this._frame_start = performance.now(); this.count += 1; this._delta = now - this._prev; this._prev = now; if (now - this.last > 1000) { this.last = now; console.log(`${this.count} fps, ${(this._total_frametime / this.count).toFixed(2)}ms avg per frame`); this.count = 0; this._total_frametime = 0; } } frame_end() { this._total_frametime += (performance.now() - this._frame_start); } delta(now: number): number { return this._delta; } } export class Resizer { hoovering = false; dragging = false; mouse_pos = [0, 0]; last_drag = [0, 0]; viewbox: number[]; orig_viewbox: number[]; el_box: number[]; scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; constructor(el: HTMLCanvasElement, viewbox: number[], keep_aspect_ratio=false) { viewbox = [-viewbox[0] - viewbox[2], - viewbox[1] - viewbox[3], viewbox[2], viewbox[3]]; this.viewbox = [...viewbox]; this.el_box = [el.width, el.height]; if (keep_aspect_ratio) { const or_width = this.viewbox[2]; const or_height = this.viewbox[3]; const width_percentage = this.viewbox[2] / el.width; const height_percentage = this.viewbox[3] / el.height; if (width_percentage < height_percentage) { // width should be larger this.viewbox[2] = height_percentage * el.width; } else { // height should be larger this.viewbox[3] = width_percentage * el.height; } this.viewbox[0] -= (this.viewbox[2] - or_width) / 2; this.viewbox[1] -= (this.viewbox[3] - or_height) / 2; this.scaleX = this.viewbox[2] / this.viewbox[3]; } this.orig_viewbox = [...this.viewbox]; el.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.mouseenter.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true}); el.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.mouseleave.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true}); el.addEventListener("mousemove", this.mousemove.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true}); el.addEventListener("mousedown", this.mousedown.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true}); el.addEventListener("mouseup", this.mouseup.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true}); window.addEventListener('wheel', this.wheel.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true}); } _clip_viewbox() { this.viewbox[0] = Math.max(this.viewbox[0], this.orig_viewbox[0]); this.viewbox[1] = Math.max(this.viewbox[1], this.orig_viewbox[1]); this.viewbox[0] = Math.min(this.viewbox[0] + this.viewbox[2], this.orig_viewbox[0] + this.orig_viewbox[2]) - this.viewbox[2]; this.viewbox[1] = Math.min(this.viewbox[1] + this.viewbox[3], this.orig_viewbox[1] + this.orig_viewbox[3]) - this.viewbox[3]; } mouseenter() { this.hoovering = true; } mouseleave() { this.hoovering = false; } mousemove(e: MouseEvent) { this.mouse_pos = [e.offsetX, this.el_box[1] - e.offsetY]; if (this.dragging) { const scaleX = this.viewbox[2] / this.el_box[0]; const scaleY = this.viewbox[3] / this.el_box[1]; this.viewbox[0] += (this.last_drag[0] - this.mouse_pos[0]) * scaleX; this.viewbox[1] += (this.last_drag[1] - this.mouse_pos[1]) * scaleY; this.last_drag = [...this.mouse_pos]; this._clip_viewbox(); } } mousedown() { this.dragging = true; this.last_drag = [...this.mouse_pos]; } mouseup() { this.dragging = false; } wheel(e: WheelEvent) { if (this.hoovering) { const delta = e.deltaY > 0 ? 0.1 * this.viewbox[2] : -0.1 * this.viewbox[2]; const dx = delta * this.scaleX; const dy = delta * this.scaleY; const mouse_dx = this.mouse_pos[0] / this.el_box[0]; const mouse_dy = this.mouse_pos[1] / this.el_box[1]; this._zoom([dx, dy], [mouse_dx, mouse_dy]); } } _zoom(deltas: number[], center: number[]) { this.viewbox[2] += deltas[0]; this.viewbox[0] -= deltas[0] * center[0]; this.viewbox[2] = Math.min(this.viewbox[2], this.orig_viewbox[2]); this.viewbox[3] += deltas[1]; this.viewbox[1] -= deltas[1] * center[1]; this.viewbox[3] = Math.min(this.viewbox[3], this.orig_viewbox[3]); this._clip_viewbox(); } get_viewbox(): number[] { return this.viewbox; } get_mouse_pos(): number[] { return this.mouse_pos; } } export class Mesh { cells: number[]; positions: number[]; constructor(mesh: any) { this.cells = mesh.cells.flat(); this.positions = mesh.positions.flat(); } }