path: root/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer
diff options
authorIlion Beyst <ilion.beyst@gmail.com>2021-12-29 21:24:57 +0100
committerIlion Beyst <ilion.beyst@gmail.com>2021-12-29 21:25:29 +0100
commit0c6d978442b244ca3f29c1ffdd44b5007ae7ad93 (patch)
treebaae5fa459a49ecd362e548e0649e2f58c669a70 /web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer
parent3eeaab6cec70e7a06a99a1ac2662974f71064bee (diff)
separate out visualizer library
Diffstat (limited to 'web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer')
17 files changed, 0 insertions, 4400 deletions
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/LICENSE-MIT b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/LICENSE-MIT
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d459d1..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/LICENSE-MIT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2018 Arthur Vercruysse
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any
-person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
-documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
-Software without restriction, including without
-limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
-publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
-the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
-is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice
-shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
-of the Software.
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/README.md b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index aaba256..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Original by the amazing Arthur Vercruysse! \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/index.html b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c2b2c33..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Hello wasm-pack!</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/res/style.css">
- </head>
- <body>
- <input type="file" id="fileselect" style="display: none">
- <div id=wrapper>
- <div id="main" class="loading">
- <canvas id="c"></canvas>
- <div id="name"></div>
- <div id="addbutton" class="button"></div>
- <div id="meta">
- <div id="turnCounter">
- 0 / 0
- </div>
- <div>
- <span>Ms per frame:&nbsp;</span>
- <input type="number" id="speed" value="100">
- </div>
- <div class="slidecontainer">
- <input type="range" min="0" max="1" value="1" class="slider" id="turnSlider">
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class=".options" id=options>
- <div class="option">
- Option one
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option two
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div><div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div><div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- <div class="option">
- Option three
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <noscript>This page contains webassembly and javascript content, please enable javascript in your browser.</noscript>
- <script src="bootstrap.js"></script>
- <script>
- const URL = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;
- const LOCATION = URL.substring(0, URL.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
- const game_location = LOCATION + "static/games/Chandra Garrett.json";
- const name = "Chandra Garrett";
- window.setTimeout(
- () => visualizer.handle(game_location, name), 1000
- )
- </script>
- </body>
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/index.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 363a1c5..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-import { Game } from "planetwars-rs";
-// import { memory } from "planetwars-rs/planetwars_rs_bg";
-// const memory = planetwars_bg.memory;
-import type { Dictionary } from './webgl/util';
-import type { BBox } from "./voronoi/voronoi-core";
-import {
- Resizer,
- resizeCanvasToDisplaySize,
- FPSCounter,
- url_to_mesh,
- Mesh,
-} from "./webgl/util";
-import {
- Shader,
- Uniform4f,
- Uniform3fv,
- Uniform1f,
- Uniform2f,
- ShaderFactory,
- Uniform3f,
- UniformMatrix3fv,
- UniformBool,
-} from "./webgl/shader";
-import { Renderer } from "./webgl/renderer";
-import { VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer } from "./webgl/buffer";
-import { VertexBufferLayout, VertexArray } from "./webgl/vertexBufferLayout";
-import { defaultLabelFactory, LabelFactory, Align, Label } from "./webgl/text";
-import { VoronoiBuilder } from "./voronoi/voronoi";
-// svg-mesh requires global to exist
-(window as any).global = window;
-function to_bbox(box: number[]): BBox {
- return {
- xl: box[0],
- xr: box[0] + box[2],
- yt: box[1],
- yb: box[1] + box[3],
- };
-// function f32v(ptr: number, size: number): Float32Array {
-// return new Float32Array(memory.buffer, ptr, size);
-// }
-// function i32v(ptr: number, size: number): Int32Array {
-// return new Int32Array(memory.buffer, ptr, size);
-// }
-export function set_game_name(name: string) {
- ELEMENTS["name"].innerHTML = name;
-export function set_loading(loading: boolean) {
- if (loading) {
- if (!ELEMENTS["main"].classList.contains("loading")) {
- ELEMENTS["main"].classList.add("loading");
- }
- } else {
- ELEMENTS["main"].classList.remove("loading");
- }
-const ELEMENTS: any = {};
-var CANVAS: any;
-var RESOLUTION: any;
-var GL: any;
-var ms_per_frame: any;
-const LAYERS = {
- vor: -1, // Background
- planet: 1,
- planet_label: 2,
- ship: 3,
- ship_label: 4,
-const COUNTER = new FPSCounter();
-export function init() {
- [
- "name",
- "turnCounter",
- "main",
- "turnSlider",
- "fileselect",
- "speed",
- "canvas",
- ].forEach((n) => (ELEMENTS[n] = document.getElementById(n)));
- CANVAS = ELEMENTS["canvas"];
- RESOLUTION = [CANVAS.width, CANVAS.height];
- ms_per_frame = parseInt(ELEMENTS["speed"].value);
- GL = CANVAS.getContext("webgl");
- GL.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
- GL.enable(GL.BLEND);
- window.addEventListener(
- "resize",
- function () {
- resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(CANVAS);
- if (game_instance) {
- game_instance.on_resize();
- }
- },
- { capture: false, passive: true }
- );
- ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].oninput = function () {
- if (game_instance) {
- game_instance.updateTurn(parseInt(ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].value));
- }
- };
- ELEMENTS["speed"].onchange = function () {
- ms_per_frame = parseInt(ELEMENTS["speed"].value);
- };
-export class GameInstance {
- resizer: Resizer;
- game: Game;
- shader: Shader;
- vor_shader: Shader;
- image_shader: Shader;
- text_factory: LabelFactory;
- planet_labels: Label[];
- ship_labels: Label[];
- ship_ibo: IndexBuffer;
- ship_vao: VertexArray;
- // TODO: find a better way
- max_num_ships: number;
- renderer: Renderer;
- planet_count: number;
- vor_builder: VoronoiBuilder;
- vor_counter = 3;
- use_vor = true;
- playing = true;
- time_stopped_delta = 0;
- last_time = 0;
- frame = -1;
- turn_count = 0;
- constructor(
- game: Game,
- meshes: Mesh[],
- ship_mesh: Mesh,
- shaders: Dictionary<ShaderFactory>
- ) {
- this.game = game;
- const planets = game.get_planets();
- this.planet_count = planets.length;
- this.shader = shaders["normal"].create_shader(GL, {
- MAX_CIRCLES: "" + planets.length,
- });
- this.image_shader = shaders["image"].create_shader(GL);
- this.vor_shader = shaders["vor"].create_shader(GL, {
- PLANETS: "" + planets.length,
- });
- this.text_factory = defaultLabelFactory(GL, this.image_shader);
- this.planet_labels = [];
- this.ship_labels = [];
- this.resizer = new Resizer(CANVAS, [...game.get_viewbox()], true);
- this.renderer = new Renderer();
- this.game.update_turn(0);
- // Setup key handling
- document.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKey.bind(this));
- // List of [(x, y, r)] for all planets
- this._create_voronoi(planets);
- this._create_planets(planets, meshes);
- // create_shipes
- this.ship_ibo = new IndexBuffer(GL, ship_mesh.cells);
- const ship_positions = new VertexBuffer(GL, ship_mesh.positions);
- const ship_layout = new VertexBufferLayout();
- ship_layout.push(GL.FLOAT, 3, 4, "a_position");
- this.ship_vao = new VertexArray();
- this.ship_vao.addBuffer(ship_positions, ship_layout);
- this.max_num_ships = 0;
- // Set slider correctly
- this.turn_count = game.turn_count();
- ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].max = this.turn_count - 1 + "";
- }
- push_state(state: string) {
- this.game.push_state(state);
- if (this.frame == this.turn_count - 1) {
- this.playing = true;
- }
- // Set slider correctly
- this.turn_count = this.game.turn_count();
- this.updateTurnCounters();
- }
- _create_voronoi(planets: Float32Array) {
- const planet_points = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < planets.length; i += 3) {
- planet_points.push({ x: -planets[i], y: -planets[i + 1] });
- }
- const bbox = to_bbox(this.resizer.get_viewbox());
- this.vor_builder = new VoronoiBuilder(
- GL,
- this.vor_shader,
- planet_points,
- bbox
- );
- this.renderer.addRenderable(this.vor_builder.getRenderable(), LAYERS.vor);
- }
- _create_planets(planets: Float32Array, meshes: Mesh[]) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.planet_count; i++) {
- {
- const transform = new UniformMatrix3fv([
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- -planets[i * 3],
- -planets[i * 3 + 1],
- 1,
- ]);
- const indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(
- GL,
- meshes[i % meshes.length].cells
- );
- const positionBuffer = new VertexBuffer(
- GL,
- meshes[i % meshes.length].positions
- );
- const layout = new VertexBufferLayout();
- layout.push(GL.FLOAT, 3, 4, "a_position");
- const vao = new VertexArray();
- vao.addBuffer(positionBuffer, layout);
- this.renderer.addToDraw(
- indexBuffer,
- vao,
- this.shader,
- {
- u_trans: transform,
- u_trans_next: transform,
- },
- [],
- LAYERS.planet
- );
- }
- {
- const transform = new UniformMatrix3fv([
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- -planets[i * 3],
- -planets[i * 3 + 1] - 1.2,
- 1,
- ]);
- const label = this.text_factory.build(GL, transform);
- this.planet_labels.push(label);
- this.renderer.addRenderable(label.getRenderable(), LAYERS.planet_label);
- }
- }
- }
- on_resize() {
- this.resizer = new Resizer(CANVAS, [...this.game.get_viewbox()], true);
- const bbox = to_bbox(this.resizer.get_viewbox());
- this.vor_builder.resize(GL, bbox);
- }
- _update_state() {
- this._update_planets();
- this._update_ships();
- }
- _update_planets() {
- const colours = this.game.get_planet_colors();
- const planet_ships = this.game.get_planet_ships();
- this.vor_shader.uniform(GL, "u_planet_colours", new Uniform3fv(colours));
- for (let i = 0; i < this.planet_count; i++) {
- const u = new Uniform3f(
- colours[i * 6],
- colours[i * 6 + 1],
- colours[i * 6 + 2]
- );
- this.renderer.updateUniform(
- i,
- (us) => (us["u_color"] = u),
- LAYERS.planet
- );
- const u2 = new Uniform3f(
- colours[i * 6 + 3],
- colours[i * 6 + 4],
- colours[i * 6 + 5]
- );
- this.renderer.updateUniform(
- i,
- (us) => (us["u_color_next"] = u2),
- LAYERS.planet
- );
- this.planet_labels[i].setText(
- GL,
- "*" + planet_ships[i],
- Align.Middle,
- Align.Begin
- );
- }
- }
- _update_ships() {
- const ships = this.game.get_ship_locations();
- const labels = this.game.get_ship_label_locations();
- const ship_counts = this.game.get_ship_counts();
- const ship_colours = this.game.get_ship_colours();
- for (let i = this.max_num_ships; i < ship_counts.length; i++) {
- this.renderer.addToDraw(
- this.ship_ibo,
- this.ship_vao,
- this.shader,
- {},
- [],
- LAYERS.ship
- );
- const label = this.text_factory.build(GL);
- this.ship_labels.push(label);
- this.renderer.addRenderable(label.getRenderable(), LAYERS.ship_label);
- }
- if (ship_counts.length > this.max_num_ships)
- this.max_num_ships = ship_counts.length;
- // TODO: actually remove obsolete ships
- for (let i = 0; i < this.max_num_ships; i++) {
- if (i < ship_counts.length) {
- this.ship_labels[i].setText(
- GL,
- "" + ship_counts[i],
- Align.Middle,
- Align.Middle
- );
- this.renderer.enableRenderable(i, LAYERS.ship);
- this.renderer.enableRenderable(i, LAYERS.ship_label);
- const u = new Uniform3f(
- ship_colours[i * 3],
- ship_colours[i * 3 + 1],
- ship_colours[i * 3 + 2]
- );
- const t1 = new UniformMatrix3fv(ships.slice(i * 18, i * 18 + 9));
- const t2 = new UniformMatrix3fv(ships.slice(i * 18 + 9, i * 18 + 18));
- const tl1 = new UniformMatrix3fv(labels.slice(i * 18, i * 18 + 9));
- const tl2 = new UniformMatrix3fv(labels.slice(i * 18 + 9, i * 18 + 18));
- this.renderer.updateUniform(
- i,
- (us) => {
- us["u_color"] = u;
- us["u_color_next"] = u;
- us["u_trans"] = t1;
- us["u_trans_next"] = t2;
- },
- LAYERS.ship
- );
- this.renderer.updateUniform(
- i,
- (us) => {
- us["u_trans"] = tl1;
- us["u_trans_next"] = tl2;
- },
- LAYERS.ship_label
- );
- } else {
- this.renderer.disableRenderable(i, LAYERS.ship);
- this.renderer.disableRenderable(i, LAYERS.ship_label);
- }
- }
- }
- render(time: number) {
- COUNTER.frame(time);
- if (COUNTER.delta(time) < 30) {
- this.vor_counter = Math.min(3, this.vor_counter + 1);
- } else {
- this.vor_counter = Math.max(-3, this.vor_counter - 1);
- }
- if (this.vor_counter < -2) {
- this.use_vor = false;
- }
- // If not playing, still reder with different viewbox, so people can still pan etc.
- if (!this.playing) {
- this.last_time = time;
- this.shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_viewbox",
- new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
- );
- this.vor_shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_viewbox",
- new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
- );
- this.image_shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_viewbox",
- new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
- );
- this.renderer.render(GL);
- return;
- }
- // Check if turn is still correct
- if (time > this.last_time + ms_per_frame) {
- this.last_time = time;
- this.updateTurn(this.frame + 1);
- if (this.frame == this.turn_count - 1) {
- this.playing = false;
- }
- }
- // Do GL things
- GL.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
- GL.viewport(0, 0, GL.canvas.width, GL.canvas.height);
- this.vor_shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_time",
- new Uniform1f((time - this.last_time) / ms_per_frame)
- );
- this.vor_shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_viewbox",
- new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
- );
- this.vor_shader.uniform(GL, "u_resolution", new Uniform2f(RESOLUTION));
- this.vor_shader.uniform(GL, "u_vor", new UniformBool(this.use_vor));
- this.shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_time",
- new Uniform1f((time - this.last_time) / ms_per_frame)
- );
- this.shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_mouse",
- new Uniform2f(this.resizer.get_mouse_pos())
- );
- this.shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_viewbox",
- new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
- );
- this.shader.uniform(GL, "u_resolution", new Uniform2f(RESOLUTION));
- this.image_shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_time",
- new Uniform1f((time - this.last_time) / ms_per_frame)
- );
- this.image_shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_mouse",
- new Uniform2f(this.resizer.get_mouse_pos())
- );
- this.image_shader.uniform(
- GL,
- "u_viewbox",
- new Uniform4f(this.resizer.get_viewbox())
- );
- this.image_shader.uniform(GL, "u_resolution", new Uniform2f(RESOLUTION));
- // Render
- this.renderer.render(GL);
- COUNTER.frame_end();
- }
- updateTurn(turn: number) {
- this.frame = Math.max(0, turn);
- const new_frame = this.game.update_turn(this.frame);
- if (new_frame < this.frame) {
- this.frame = new_frame;
- this.playing = false;
- } else {
- this._update_state();
- this.playing = true;
- }
- this.updateTurnCounters();
- }
- updateTurnCounters() {
- ELEMENTS["turnCounter"].innerHTML =
- this.frame + " / " + (this.turn_count - 1);
- ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].value = this.frame + "";
- ELEMENTS["turnSlider"].max = this.turn_count - 1 + "";
- }
- handleKey(event: KeyboardEvent) {
- // Space
- if (event.keyCode == 32) {
- if (this.playing) {
- this.playing = false;
- } else {
- this.playing = true;
- }
- }
- // Arrow left
- if (event.keyCode == 37) {
- // This feels more natural than -1 what it should be, I think
- this.updateTurn(this.frame - 2);
- }
- // Arrow right
- if (event.keyCode == 39) {
- this.updateTurn(this.frame + 1);
- }
- // d key
- if (event.keyCode == 68) {
- ELEMENTS["speed"].value = ms_per_frame + 10 + "";
- ELEMENTS["speed"].onchange(undefined);
- }
- // a key
- if (event.keyCode == 65) {
- ELEMENTS["speed"].value = Math.max(ms_per_frame - 10, 0) + "";
- ELEMENTS["speed"].onchange(undefined);
- }
- }
-var game_instance: GameInstance;
-var meshes: Mesh[];
-var shaders: Dictionary<ShaderFactory>;
-export async function set_instance(source: string): Promise<GameInstance> {
- if (!meshes || !shaders) {
- const mesh_promises = ["ship.svg", "earth.svg", "mars.svg", "venus.svg"]
- .map((name) => "/static/res/assets/" + name)
- .map(url_to_mesh);
- const shader_promies = [
- (async () =>
- <[string, ShaderFactory]>[
- "normal",
- await ShaderFactory.create_factory(
- "/static/shaders/frag/simple.glsl",
- "/static/shaders/vert/simple.glsl"
- ),
- ])(),
- (async () =>
- <[string, ShaderFactory]>[
- "vor",
- await ShaderFactory.create_factory(
- "/static/shaders/frag/vor.glsl",
- "/static/shaders/vert/vor.glsl"
- ),
- ])(),
- (async () =>
- <[string, ShaderFactory]>[
- "image",
- await ShaderFactory.create_factory(
- "/static/shaders/frag/image.glsl",
- "/static/shaders/vert/simple.glsl"
- ),
- ])(),
- ];
- let shaders_array: [string, ShaderFactory][];
- [meshes, shaders_array] = await Promise.all([
- Promise.all(mesh_promises),
- Promise.all(shader_promies),
- ]);
- shaders = {};
- shaders_array.forEach(([name, fac]) => (shaders[name] = fac));
- }
- resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(CANVAS);
- game_instance = new GameInstance(
- Game.new(source),
- meshes.slice(1),
- meshes[0],
- shaders
- );
- set_loading(false);
- start();
- return game_instance;
-var _animating = false;
-export function start() {
- if (_animating) {
- // already running
- return;
- }
- _animating = true;
- requestAnimationFrame(step);
-export function stop() {
- _animating = false;
-function step(time: number) {
- if (game_instance) {
- game_instance.render(time);
- }
- if (_animating) {
- requestAnimationFrame(step);
- }
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/src/games.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/src/games.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b9e7e2..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/src/games.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import { set_game_name, set_loading, set_instance } from '../index'
-var game_name, game_file;
-document.getElementById("addbutton").onclick = function () {
- const loc = window.location;
- const query = `?game=${game_file}&name=${game_name}`;
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(loc.origin + loc.pathname + encodeURI(query)).then(() => {
- console.log("Success");
- }, () => {
- console.log("Failed");
- });
-async function on_load() {
- const options = document.getElementsByClassName("options");
- const urlVars = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
- if (urlVars.get("game") && urlVars.get("name")) {
- console.log(urlVars.get("game") + ' ' + urlVars.get("name"))
- handle(urlVars.get("game"), urlVars.get("name"))
- } else if (options[0]) {
- const options_div = <HTMLDivElement>options[0];
- if (options_div.children[0]) {
- options_div.children[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('click'));
- }
- }
-window.addEventListener("load", on_load, false);
-export function handle(location: string, name: string) {
- game_file = location;
- game_name = name;
- set_loading(true);
- fetch(location)
- .then((r) => r.text())
- .then((response) => {
- set_instance(response);
- set_game_name(name);
- }).catch(console.error);
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- position: absolute;
- top: 10px;
- left: 10px;
- color: white;
- }
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- padding: 10px 2%;
- color: white;
- position: absolute;
- bottom: 0;
- width: 96%;
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- display: flex;
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- overflow-y: auto;
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- color: white;
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- padding: 10px;
- background-color: #333;
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- .option:last-child {
- margin: 0;
- }
- .option:hover {
- background-color: #777;
- }
- .lds-roller {
- display: none;
- }
- .loading>.lds-roller {
- display: inline-block;
- }
- .lds-roller {
- position: absolute;
- left: 50%;
- top: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
- width: 80px;
- height: 80px;
- }
- .lds-roller div {
- animation: lds-roller 1.2s cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1) infinite;
- transform-origin: 40px 40px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:after {
- content: " ";
- display: block;
- position: absolute;
- width: 7px;
- height: 7px;
- border-radius: 50%;
- background: #fff;
- margin: -4px 0 0 -4px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(1) {
- animation-delay: -0.036s;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(1):after {
- top: 63px;
- left: 63px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(2) {
- animation-delay: -0.072s;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(2):after {
- top: 68px;
- left: 56px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(3) {
- animation-delay: -0.108s;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(3):after {
- top: 71px;
- left: 48px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(4) {
- animation-delay: -0.144s;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(4):after {
- top: 72px;
- left: 40px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(5) {
- animation-delay: -0.18s;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(5):after {
- top: 71px;
- left: 32px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(6) {
- animation-delay: -0.216s;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(6):after {
- top: 68px;
- left: 24px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(7) {
- animation-delay: -0.252s;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(7):after {
- top: 63px;
- left: 17px;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(8) {
- animation-delay: -0.288s;
- }
- .lds-roller div:nth-child(8):after {
- top: 56px;
- left: 12px;
- }
- @keyframes lds-roller {
- 0% {
- transform: rotate(0deg);
- }
- 100% {
- transform: rotate(360deg);
- }
- }
- #speed {
- width: 100px;
- }
- #canvas {
- position: relative;
- background-color: black;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- }
- .button {
- position: absolute;
- top: 10px;
- right: 10px;
- width: 0;
- height: 0;
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- .button::before {
- content: "";
- display: block;
- float: left;
- margin: 0 -20px 0 0;
- font-family: 'fontawesome';
- content: "\f1e1";
- transform: translate(-1em, 0px);
- color: antiquewhite;
- font-size: 1.5em;
- }
- .button:hover::before {
- color: #ff7f00;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------
- * Generated by Animista on 2019-9-17 14:35:13
- * Licensed under FreeBSD License.
- * See http://animista.net/license for more info.
- * w: http://animista.net, t: @cssanimista
- * ---------------------------------------------- */
- /**
- * ----------------------------------------
- * animation slide-top
- * ----------------------------------------
- */
- @-webkit-keyframes slide-top {
- 0% {
- -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 50%);
- transform: translate(-50%, 50%);
- }
- 100% {
- -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -150%);
- transform: translate(-50%, -150%);
- }
- }
- @keyframes slide-top {
- 0% {
- -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 50%);
- transform: translate(-50%, 50%);
- }
- 100% {
- -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -150%);
- transform: translate(-50%, -150%);
- }
- }
- /**
- * ----------------------------------------
- * Copy from https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_rangeslider.asp
- * ----------------------------------------
- */
- .slidecontainer {
- margin-top: 10px;
- width: 100%;
- /* Width of the outside container */
- }
- .slider {
- -webkit-appearance: none;
- width: 100%;
- height: 15px;
- border-radius: 5px;
- background: #d3d3d3;
- outline: none;
- opacity: 0.7;
- -webkit-transition: .2s;
- transition: opacity .2s;
- }
- .slider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
- -webkit-appearance: none;
- appearance: none;
- width: 25px;
- height: 25px;
- border-radius: 50%;
- background: #ff7000;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .slider::-moz-range-thumb {
- width: 25px;
- height: 25px;
- border-radius: 50%;
- background: #ff7000;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
- -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
- box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
- border-radius: 10px;
- background-color: #444;
- border-radius: 10px;
- }
- ::-webkit-scrollbar {
- width: 10px;
- background-color: #444;
- }
- ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
- border-radius: 10px;
- background-color: #F90;
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, .2) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, .2) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, .2) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent)
- } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/voronoi/voronoi-core.d.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/voronoi/voronoi-core.d.ts
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-declare namespace Voronoi {
- class Point {
- x: number;
- y: number;
- }
- class Site {
- x: number;
- y: number;
- voronoiId: number;
- }
- class Cell {
- site: Site;
- halfedges: HalfEdge[];
- closeMe: boolean;
- }
- class Edge {
- lSite: Site;
- rSite: Site;
- vb: Point;
- va: Point;
- }
- class HalfEdge {
- site: Site;
- edge: Edge;
- angle: number;
- getStartpoint(): Point;
- getEndpoint(): Point;
- }
- class BBox {
- xl: number;
- xr: number;
- yt: number;
- yb: number;
- }
- class VoronoiDiagram {
- site: any;
- cells: Cell[];
- edges: Edge[];
- vertices: Point[];
- execTime: number;
- }
-declare class Voronoi {
- constructor();
- compute(sites: Voronoi.Point[], bbox: Voronoi.BBox): Voronoi.VoronoiDiagram;
-export = Voronoi;
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/voronoi/voronoi-core.js b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/voronoi/voronoi-core.js
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-Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Raymond Hill: https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi
-MIT License: See https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/LICENSE.md
-Author: Raymond Hill (rhill@raymondhill.net)
-Contributor: Jesse Morgan (morgajel@gmail.com)
-File: rhill-voronoi-core.js
-Version: 0.98
-Date: January 21, 2013
-Description: This is my personal Javascript implementation of
-Steven Fortune's algorithm to compute Voronoi diagrams.
-License: See https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/LICENSE.md
-Credits: See https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/CREDITS.md
-History: See https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/CHANGELOG.md
-## Usage:
- var sites = [{x:300,y:300}, {x:100,y:100}, {x:200,y:500}, {x:250,y:450}, {x:600,y:150}];
- // xl, xr means x left, x right
- // yt, yb means y top, y bottom
- var bbox = {xl:0, xr:800, yt:0, yb:600};
- var voronoi = new Voronoi();
- // pass an object which exhibits xl, xr, yt, yb properties. The bounding
- // box will be used to connect unbound edges, and to close open cells
- result = voronoi.compute(sites, bbox);
- // render, further analyze, etc.
-Return value:
- An object with the following properties:
- result.vertices = an array of unordered, unique Voronoi.Vertex objects making
- up the Voronoi diagram.
- result.edges = an array of unordered, unique Voronoi.Edge objects making up
- the Voronoi diagram.
- result.cells = an array of Voronoi.Cell object making up the Voronoi diagram.
- A Cell object might have an empty array of halfedges, meaning no Voronoi
- cell could be computed for a particular cell.
- result.execTime = the time it took to compute the Voronoi diagram, in
- milliseconds.
-Voronoi.Vertex object:
- x: The x position of the vertex.
- y: The y position of the vertex.
-Voronoi.Edge object:
- lSite: the Voronoi site object at the left of this Voronoi.Edge object.
- rSite: the Voronoi site object at the right of this Voronoi.Edge object (can
- be null).
- va: an object with an 'x' and a 'y' property defining the start point
- (relative to the Voronoi site on the left) of this Voronoi.Edge object.
- vb: an object with an 'x' and a 'y' property defining the end point
- (relative to Voronoi site on the left) of this Voronoi.Edge object.
- For edges which are used to close open cells (using the supplied bounding
- box), the rSite property will be null.
-Voronoi.Cell object:
- site: the Voronoi site object associated with the Voronoi cell.
- halfedges: an array of Voronoi.Halfedge objects, ordered counterclockwise,
- defining the polygon for this Voronoi cell.
-Voronoi.Halfedge object:
- site: the Voronoi site object owning this Voronoi.Halfedge object.
- edge: a reference to the unique Voronoi.Edge object underlying this
- Voronoi.Halfedge object.
- getStartpoint(): a method returning an object with an 'x' and a 'y' property
- for the start point of this halfedge. Keep in mind halfedges are always
- countercockwise.
- getEndpoint(): a method returning an object with an 'x' and a 'y' property
- for the end point of this halfedge. Keep in mind halfedges are always
- countercockwise.
-TODO: Identify opportunities for performance improvement.
-TODO: Let the user close the Voronoi cells, do not do it automatically. Not only let
- him close the cells, but also allow him to close more than once using a different
- bounding box for the same Voronoi diagram.
-/*global Math */
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function Voronoi() {
- this.vertices = null;
- this.edges = null;
- this.cells = null;
- this.toRecycle = null;
- this.beachsectionJunkyard = [];
- this.circleEventJunkyard = [];
- this.vertexJunkyard = [];
- this.edgeJunkyard = [];
- this.cellJunkyard = [];
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Voronoi.prototype.reset = function() {
- if (!this.beachline) {
- this.beachline = new this.RBTree();
- }
- // Move leftover beachsections to the beachsection junkyard.
- if (this.beachline.root) {
- var beachsection = this.beachline.getFirst(this.beachline.root);
- while (beachsection) {
- this.beachsectionJunkyard.push(beachsection); // mark for reuse
- beachsection = beachsection.rbNext;
- }
- }
- this.beachline.root = null;
- if (!this.circleEvents) {
- this.circleEvents = new this.RBTree();
- }
- this.circleEvents.root = this.firstCircleEvent = null;
- this.vertices = [];
- this.edges = [];
- this.cells = [];
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.sqrt = Math.sqrt;
-Voronoi.prototype.abs = Math.abs;
-Voronoi.prototype.ε = Voronoi.ε = 1e-9;
-Voronoi.prototype.invε = Voronoi.invε = 1.0 / Voronoi.ε;
-Voronoi.prototype.equalWithEpsilon = function(a,b){return this.abs(a-b)<1e-9;};
-Voronoi.prototype.greaterThanWithEpsilon = function(a,b){return a-b>1e-9;};
-Voronoi.prototype.greaterThanOrEqualWithEpsilon = function(a,b){return b-a<1e-9;};
-Voronoi.prototype.lessThanWithEpsilon = function(a,b){return b-a>1e-9;};
-Voronoi.prototype.lessThanOrEqualWithEpsilon = function(a,b){return a-b<1e-9;};
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Red-Black tree code (based on C version of "rbtree" by Franck Bui-Huu
-// https://github.com/fbuihuu/libtree/blob/master/rb.c
-Voronoi.prototype.RBTree = function() {
- this.root = null;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.RBTree.prototype.rbInsertSuccessor = function(node, successor) {
- var parent;
- if (node) {
- // >>> rhill 2011-05-27: Performance: cache previous/next nodes
- successor.rbPrevious = node;
- successor.rbNext = node.rbNext;
- if (node.rbNext) {
- node.rbNext.rbPrevious = successor;
- }
- node.rbNext = successor;
- // <<<
- if (node.rbRight) {
- // in-place expansion of node.rbRight.getFirst();
- node = node.rbRight;
- while (node.rbLeft) {node = node.rbLeft;}
- node.rbLeft = successor;
- }
- else {
- node.rbRight = successor;
- }
- parent = node;
- }
- // rhill 2011-06-07: if node is null, successor must be inserted
- // to the left-most part of the tree
- else if (this.root) {
- node = this.getFirst(this.root);
- // >>> Performance: cache previous/next nodes
- successor.rbPrevious = null;
- successor.rbNext = node;
- node.rbPrevious = successor;
- // <<<
- node.rbLeft = successor;
- parent = node;
- }
- else {
- // >>> Performance: cache previous/next nodes
- successor.rbPrevious = successor.rbNext = null;
- // <<<
- this.root = successor;
- parent = null;
- }
- successor.rbLeft = successor.rbRight = null;
- successor.rbParent = parent;
- successor.rbRed = true;
- // Fixup the modified tree by recoloring nodes and performing
- // rotations (2 at most) hence the red-black tree properties are
- // preserved.
- var grandpa, uncle;
- node = successor;
- while (parent && parent.rbRed) {
- grandpa = parent.rbParent;
- if (parent === grandpa.rbLeft) {
- uncle = grandpa.rbRight;
- if (uncle && uncle.rbRed) {
- parent.rbRed = uncle.rbRed = false;
- grandpa.rbRed = true;
- node = grandpa;
- }
- else {
- if (node === parent.rbRight) {
- this.rbRotateLeft(parent);
- node = parent;
- parent = node.rbParent;
- }
- parent.rbRed = false;
- grandpa.rbRed = true;
- this.rbRotateRight(grandpa);
- }
- }
- else {
- uncle = grandpa.rbLeft;
- if (uncle && uncle.rbRed) {
- parent.rbRed = uncle.rbRed = false;
- grandpa.rbRed = true;
- node = grandpa;
- }
- else {
- if (node === parent.rbLeft) {
- this.rbRotateRight(parent);
- node = parent;
- parent = node.rbParent;
- }
- parent.rbRed = false;
- grandpa.rbRed = true;
- this.rbRotateLeft(grandpa);
- }
- }
- parent = node.rbParent;
- }
- this.root.rbRed = false;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.RBTree.prototype.rbRemoveNode = function(node) {
- // >>> rhill 2011-05-27: Performance: cache previous/next nodes
- if (node.rbNext) {
- node.rbNext.rbPrevious = node.rbPrevious;
- }
- if (node.rbPrevious) {
- node.rbPrevious.rbNext = node.rbNext;
- }
- node.rbNext = node.rbPrevious = null;
- // <<<
- var parent = node.rbParent,
- left = node.rbLeft,
- right = node.rbRight,
- next;
- if (!left) {
- next = right;
- }
- else if (!right) {
- next = left;
- }
- else {
- next = this.getFirst(right);
- }
- if (parent) {
- if (parent.rbLeft === node) {
- parent.rbLeft = next;
- }
- else {
- parent.rbRight = next;
- }
- }
- else {
- this.root = next;
- }
- // enforce red-black rules
- var isRed;
- if (left && right) {
- isRed = next.rbRed;
- next.rbRed = node.rbRed;
- next.rbLeft = left;
- left.rbParent = next;
- if (next !== right) {
- parent = next.rbParent;
- next.rbParent = node.rbParent;
- node = next.rbRight;
- parent.rbLeft = node;
- next.rbRight = right;
- right.rbParent = next;
- }
- else {
- next.rbParent = parent;
- parent = next;
- node = next.rbRight;
- }
- }
- else {
- isRed = node.rbRed;
- node = next;
- }
- // 'node' is now the sole successor's child and 'parent' its
- // new parent (since the successor can have been moved)
- if (node) {
- node.rbParent = parent;
- }
- // the 'easy' cases
- if (isRed) {return;}
- if (node && node.rbRed) {
- node.rbRed = false;
- return;
- }
- // the other cases
- var sibling;
- do {
- if (node === this.root) {
- break;
- }
- if (node === parent.rbLeft) {
- sibling = parent.rbRight;
- if (sibling.rbRed) {
- sibling.rbRed = false;
- parent.rbRed = true;
- this.rbRotateLeft(parent);
- sibling = parent.rbRight;
- }
- if ((sibling.rbLeft && sibling.rbLeft.rbRed) || (sibling.rbRight && sibling.rbRight.rbRed)) {
- if (!sibling.rbRight || !sibling.rbRight.rbRed) {
- sibling.rbLeft.rbRed = false;
- sibling.rbRed = true;
- this.rbRotateRight(sibling);
- sibling = parent.rbRight;
- }
- sibling.rbRed = parent.rbRed;
- parent.rbRed = sibling.rbRight.rbRed = false;
- this.rbRotateLeft(parent);
- node = this.root;
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- sibling = parent.rbLeft;
- if (sibling.rbRed) {
- sibling.rbRed = false;
- parent.rbRed = true;
- this.rbRotateRight(parent);
- sibling = parent.rbLeft;
- }
- if ((sibling.rbLeft && sibling.rbLeft.rbRed) || (sibling.rbRight && sibling.rbRight.rbRed)) {
- if (!sibling.rbLeft || !sibling.rbLeft.rbRed) {
- sibling.rbRight.rbRed = false;
- sibling.rbRed = true;
- this.rbRotateLeft(sibling);
- sibling = parent.rbLeft;
- }
- sibling.rbRed = parent.rbRed;
- parent.rbRed = sibling.rbLeft.rbRed = false;
- this.rbRotateRight(parent);
- node = this.root;
- break;
- }
- }
- sibling.rbRed = true;
- node = parent;
- parent = parent.rbParent;
- } while (!node.rbRed);
- if (node) {node.rbRed = false;}
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.RBTree.prototype.rbRotateLeft = function(node) {
- var p = node,
- q = node.rbRight, // can't be null
- parent = p.rbParent;
- if (parent) {
- if (parent.rbLeft === p) {
- parent.rbLeft = q;
- }
- else {
- parent.rbRight = q;
- }
- }
- else {
- this.root = q;
- }
- q.rbParent = parent;
- p.rbParent = q;
- p.rbRight = q.rbLeft;
- if (p.rbRight) {
- p.rbRight.rbParent = p;
- }
- q.rbLeft = p;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.RBTree.prototype.rbRotateRight = function(node) {
- var p = node,
- q = node.rbLeft, // can't be null
- parent = p.rbParent;
- if (parent) {
- if (parent.rbLeft === p) {
- parent.rbLeft = q;
- }
- else {
- parent.rbRight = q;
- }
- }
- else {
- this.root = q;
- }
- q.rbParent = parent;
- p.rbParent = q;
- p.rbLeft = q.rbRight;
- if (p.rbLeft) {
- p.rbLeft.rbParent = p;
- }
- q.rbRight = p;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.RBTree.prototype.getFirst = function(node) {
- while (node.rbLeft) {
- node = node.rbLeft;
- }
- return node;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.RBTree.prototype.getLast = function(node) {
- while (node.rbRight) {
- node = node.rbRight;
- }
- return node;
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Diagram methods
-Voronoi.prototype.Diagram = function(site) {
- this.site = site;
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Cell methods
-Voronoi.prototype.Cell = function(site) {
- this.site = site;
- this.halfedges = [];
- this.closeMe = false;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.Cell.prototype.init = function(site) {
- this.site = site;
- this.halfedges = [];
- this.closeMe = false;
- return this;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.createCell = function(site) {
- var cell = this.cellJunkyard.pop();
- if ( cell ) {
- return cell.init(site);
- }
- return new this.Cell(site);
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.Cell.prototype.prepareHalfedges = function() {
- var halfedges = this.halfedges,
- iHalfedge = halfedges.length,
- edge;
- // get rid of unused halfedges
- // rhill 2011-05-27: Keep it simple, no point here in trying
- // to be fancy: dangling edges are a typically a minority.
- while (iHalfedge--) {
- edge = halfedges[iHalfedge].edge;
- if (!edge.vb || !edge.va) {
- halfedges.splice(iHalfedge,1);
- }
- }
- // rhill 2011-05-26: I tried to use a binary search at insertion
- // time to keep the array sorted on-the-fly (in Cell.addHalfedge()).
- // There was no real benefits in doing so, performance on
- // Firefox 3.6 was improved marginally, while performance on
- // Opera 11 was penalized marginally.
- halfedges.sort(function(a,b){return b.angle-a.angle;});
- return halfedges.length;
- };
-// Return a list of the neighbor Ids
-Voronoi.prototype.Cell.prototype.getNeighborIds = function() {
- var neighbors = [],
- iHalfedge = this.halfedges.length,
- edge;
- while (iHalfedge--){
- edge = this.halfedges[iHalfedge].edge;
- if (edge.lSite !== null && edge.lSite.voronoiId != this.site.voronoiId) {
- neighbors.push(edge.lSite.voronoiId);
- }
- else if (edge.rSite !== null && edge.rSite.voronoiId != this.site.voronoiId){
- neighbors.push(edge.rSite.voronoiId);
- }
- }
- return neighbors;
- };
-// Compute bounding box
-Voronoi.prototype.Cell.prototype.getBbox = function() {
- var halfedges = this.halfedges,
- iHalfedge = halfedges.length,
- xmin = Infinity,
- ymin = Infinity,
- xmax = -Infinity,
- ymax = -Infinity,
- v, vx, vy;
- while (iHalfedge--) {
- v = halfedges[iHalfedge].getStartpoint();
- vx = v.x;
- vy = v.y;
- if (vx < xmin) {xmin = vx;}
- if (vy < ymin) {ymin = vy;}
- if (vx > xmax) {xmax = vx;}
- if (vy > ymax) {ymax = vy;}
- // we dont need to take into account end point,
- // since each end point matches a start point
- }
- return {
- x: xmin,
- y: ymin,
- width: xmax-xmin,
- height: ymax-ymin
- };
- };
-// Return whether a point is inside, on, or outside the cell:
-// -1: point is outside the perimeter of the cell
-// 0: point is on the perimeter of the cell
-// 1: point is inside the perimeter of the cell
-Voronoi.prototype.Cell.prototype.pointIntersection = function(x, y) {
- // Check if point in polygon. Since all polygons of a Voronoi
- // diagram are convex, then:
- // http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polygonmesh/
- // Solution 3 (2D):
- // "If the polygon is convex then one can consider the polygon
- // "as a 'path' from the first vertex. A point is on the interior
- // "of this polygons if it is always on the same side of all the
- // "line segments making up the path. ...
- // "(y - y0) (x1 - x0) - (x - x0) (y1 - y0)
- // "if it is less than 0 then P is to the right of the line segment,
- // "if greater than 0 it is to the left, if equal to 0 then it lies
- // "on the line segment"
- var halfedges = this.halfedges,
- iHalfedge = halfedges.length,
- halfedge,
- p0, p1, r;
- while (iHalfedge--) {
- halfedge = halfedges[iHalfedge];
- p0 = halfedge.getStartpoint();
- p1 = halfedge.getEndpoint();
- r = (y-p0.y)*(p1.x-p0.x)-(x-p0.x)*(p1.y-p0.y);
- if (!r) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (r > 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Edge methods
-Voronoi.prototype.Vertex = function(x, y) {
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.Edge = function(lSite, rSite) {
- this.lSite = lSite;
- this.rSite = rSite;
- this.va = this.vb = null;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.Halfedge = function(edge, lSite, rSite) {
- this.site = lSite;
- this.edge = edge;
- // 'angle' is a value to be used for properly sorting the
- // halfsegments counterclockwise. By convention, we will
- // use the angle of the line defined by the 'site to the left'
- // to the 'site to the right'.
- // However, border edges have no 'site to the right': thus we
- // use the angle of line perpendicular to the halfsegment (the
- // edge should have both end points defined in such case.)
- if (rSite) {
- this.angle = Math.atan2(rSite.y-lSite.y, rSite.x-lSite.x);
- }
- else {
- var va = edge.va,
- vb = edge.vb;
- // rhill 2011-05-31: used to call getStartpoint()/getEndpoint(),
- // but for performance purpose, these are expanded in place here.
- this.angle = edge.lSite === lSite ?
- Math.atan2(vb.x-va.x, va.y-vb.y) :
- Math.atan2(va.x-vb.x, vb.y-va.y);
- }
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.createHalfedge = function(edge, lSite, rSite) {
- return new this.Halfedge(edge, lSite, rSite);
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.Halfedge.prototype.getStartpoint = function() {
- return this.edge.lSite === this.site ? this.edge.va : this.edge.vb;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.Halfedge.prototype.getEndpoint = function() {
- return this.edge.lSite === this.site ? this.edge.vb : this.edge.va;
- };
-// this create and add a vertex to the internal collection
-Voronoi.prototype.createVertex = function(x, y) {
- var v = this.vertexJunkyard.pop();
- if ( !v ) {
- v = new this.Vertex(x, y);
- }
- else {
- v.x = x;
- v.y = y;
- }
- this.vertices.push(v);
- return v;
- };
-// this create and add an edge to internal collection, and also create
-// two halfedges which are added to each site's counterclockwise array
-// of halfedges.
-Voronoi.prototype.createEdge = function(lSite, rSite, va, vb) {
- var edge = this.edgeJunkyard.pop();
- if ( !edge ) {
- edge = new this.Edge(lSite, rSite);
- }
- else {
- edge.lSite = lSite;
- edge.rSite = rSite;
- edge.va = edge.vb = null;
- }
- this.edges.push(edge);
- if (va) {
- this.setEdgeStartpoint(edge, lSite, rSite, va);
- }
- if (vb) {
- this.setEdgeEndpoint(edge, lSite, rSite, vb);
- }
- this.cells[lSite.voronoiId].halfedges.push(this.createHalfedge(edge, lSite, rSite));
- this.cells[rSite.voronoiId].halfedges.push(this.createHalfedge(edge, rSite, lSite));
- return edge;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.createBorderEdge = function(lSite, va, vb) {
- var edge = this.edgeJunkyard.pop();
- if ( !edge ) {
- edge = new this.Edge(lSite, null);
- }
- else {
- edge.lSite = lSite;
- edge.rSite = null;
- }
- edge.va = va;
- edge.vb = vb;
- this.edges.push(edge);
- return edge;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.setEdgeStartpoint = function(edge, lSite, rSite, vertex) {
- if (!edge.va && !edge.vb) {
- edge.va = vertex;
- edge.lSite = lSite;
- edge.rSite = rSite;
- }
- else if (edge.lSite === rSite) {
- edge.vb = vertex;
- }
- else {
- edge.va = vertex;
- }
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.setEdgeEndpoint = function(edge, lSite, rSite, vertex) {
- this.setEdgeStartpoint(edge, rSite, lSite, vertex);
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Beachline methods
-// rhill 2011-06-07: For some reasons, performance suffers significantly
-// when instanciating a literal object instead of an empty ctor
-Voronoi.prototype.Beachsection = function() {
- };
-// rhill 2011-06-02: A lot of Beachsection instanciations
-// occur during the computation of the Voronoi diagram,
-// somewhere between the number of sites and twice the
-// number of sites, while the number of Beachsections on the
-// beachline at any given time is comparatively low. For this
-// reason, we reuse already created Beachsections, in order
-// to avoid new memory allocation. This resulted in a measurable
-// performance gain.
-Voronoi.prototype.createBeachsection = function(site) {
- var beachsection = this.beachsectionJunkyard.pop();
- if (!beachsection) {
- beachsection = new this.Beachsection();
- }
- beachsection.site = site;
- return beachsection;
- };
-// calculate the left break point of a particular beach section,
-// given a particular sweep line
-Voronoi.prototype.leftBreakPoint = function(arc, directrix) {
- // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parabola
- // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_equation
- // h1 = x1,
- // k1 = (y1+directrix)/2,
- // h2 = x2,
- // k2 = (y2+directrix)/2,
- // p1 = k1-directrix,
- // a1 = 1/(4*p1),
- // b1 = -h1/(2*p1),
- // c1 = h1*h1/(4*p1)+k1,
- // p2 = k2-directrix,
- // a2 = 1/(4*p2),
- // b2 = -h2/(2*p2),
- // c2 = h2*h2/(4*p2)+k2,
- // x = (-(b2-b1) + Math.sqrt((b2-b1)*(b2-b1) - 4*(a2-a1)*(c2-c1))) / (2*(a2-a1))
- // When x1 become the x-origin:
- // h1 = 0,
- // k1 = (y1+directrix)/2,
- // h2 = x2-x1,
- // k2 = (y2+directrix)/2,
- // p1 = k1-directrix,
- // a1 = 1/(4*p1),
- // b1 = 0,
- // c1 = k1,
- // p2 = k2-directrix,
- // a2 = 1/(4*p2),
- // b2 = -h2/(2*p2),
- // c2 = h2*h2/(4*p2)+k2,
- // x = (-b2 + Math.sqrt(b2*b2 - 4*(a2-a1)*(c2-k1))) / (2*(a2-a1)) + x1
- // change code below at your own risk: care has been taken to
- // reduce errors due to computers' finite arithmetic precision.
- // Maybe can still be improved, will see if any more of this
- // kind of errors pop up again.
- var site = arc.site,
- rfocx = site.x,
- rfocy = site.y,
- pby2 = rfocy-directrix;
- // parabola in degenerate case where focus is on directrix
- if (!pby2) {
- return rfocx;
- }
- var lArc = arc.rbPrevious;
- if (!lArc) {
- return -Infinity;
- }
- site = lArc.site;
- var lfocx = site.x,
- lfocy = site.y,
- plby2 = lfocy-directrix;
- // parabola in degenerate case where focus is on directrix
- if (!plby2) {
- return lfocx;
- }
- var hl = lfocx-rfocx,
- aby2 = 1/pby2-1/plby2,
- b = hl/plby2;
- if (aby2) {
- return (-b+this.sqrt(b*b-2*aby2*(hl*hl/(-2*plby2)-lfocy+plby2/2+rfocy-pby2/2)))/aby2+rfocx;
- }
- // both parabolas have same distance to directrix, thus break point is midway
- return (rfocx+lfocx)/2;
- };
-// calculate the right break point of a particular beach section,
-// given a particular directrix
-Voronoi.prototype.rightBreakPoint = function(arc, directrix) {
- var rArc = arc.rbNext;
- if (rArc) {
- return this.leftBreakPoint(rArc, directrix);
- }
- var site = arc.site;
- return site.y === directrix ? site.x : Infinity;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.detachBeachsection = function(beachsection) {
- this.detachCircleEvent(beachsection); // detach potentially attached circle event
- this.beachline.rbRemoveNode(beachsection); // remove from RB-tree
- this.beachsectionJunkyard.push(beachsection); // mark for reuse
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.removeBeachsection = function(beachsection) {
- var circle = beachsection.circleEvent,
- x = circle.x,
- y = circle.ycenter,
- vertex = this.createVertex(x, y),
- previous = beachsection.rbPrevious,
- next = beachsection.rbNext,
- disappearingTransitions = [beachsection],
- abs_fn = Math.abs;
- // remove collapsed beachsection from beachline
- this.detachBeachsection(beachsection);
- // there could be more than one empty arc at the deletion point, this
- // happens when more than two edges are linked by the same vertex,
- // so we will collect all those edges by looking up both sides of
- // the deletion point.
- // by the way, there is *always* a predecessor/successor to any collapsed
- // beach section, it's just impossible to have a collapsing first/last
- // beach sections on the beachline, since they obviously are unconstrained
- // on their left/right side.
- // look left
- var lArc = previous;
- while (lArc.circleEvent && abs_fn(x-lArc.circleEvent.x)<1e-9 && abs_fn(y-lArc.circleEvent.ycenter)<1e-9) {
- previous = lArc.rbPrevious;
- disappearingTransitions.unshift(lArc);
- this.detachBeachsection(lArc); // mark for reuse
- lArc = previous;
- }
- // even though it is not disappearing, I will also add the beach section
- // immediately to the left of the left-most collapsed beach section, for
- // convenience, since we need to refer to it later as this beach section
- // is the 'left' site of an edge for which a start point is set.
- disappearingTransitions.unshift(lArc);
- this.detachCircleEvent(lArc);
- // look right
- var rArc = next;
- while (rArc.circleEvent && abs_fn(x-rArc.circleEvent.x)<1e-9 && abs_fn(y-rArc.circleEvent.ycenter)<1e-9) {
- next = rArc.rbNext;
- disappearingTransitions.push(rArc);
- this.detachBeachsection(rArc); // mark for reuse
- rArc = next;
- }
- // we also have to add the beach section immediately to the right of the
- // right-most collapsed beach section, since there is also a disappearing
- // transition representing an edge's start point on its left.
- disappearingTransitions.push(rArc);
- this.detachCircleEvent(rArc);
- // walk through all the disappearing transitions between beach sections and
- // set the start point of their (implied) edge.
- var nArcs = disappearingTransitions.length,
- iArc;
- for (iArc=1; iArc<nArcs; iArc++) {
- rArc = disappearingTransitions[iArc];
- lArc = disappearingTransitions[iArc-1];
- this.setEdgeStartpoint(rArc.edge, lArc.site, rArc.site, vertex);
- }
- // create a new edge as we have now a new transition between
- // two beach sections which were previously not adjacent.
- // since this edge appears as a new vertex is defined, the vertex
- // actually define an end point of the edge (relative to the site
- // on the left)
- lArc = disappearingTransitions[0];
- rArc = disappearingTransitions[nArcs-1];
- rArc.edge = this.createEdge(lArc.site, rArc.site, undefined, vertex);
- // create circle events if any for beach sections left in the beachline
- // adjacent to collapsed sections
- this.attachCircleEvent(lArc);
- this.attachCircleEvent(rArc);
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.addBeachsection = function(site) {
- var x = site.x,
- directrix = site.y;
- // find the left and right beach sections which will surround the newly
- // created beach section.
- // rhill 2011-06-01: This loop is one of the most often executed,
- // hence we expand in-place the comparison-against-epsilon calls.
- var lArc, rArc,
- dxl, dxr,
- node = this.beachline.root;
- while (node) {
- dxl = this.leftBreakPoint(node,directrix)-x;
- // x lessThanWithEpsilon xl => falls somewhere before the left edge of the beachsection
- if (dxl > 1e-9) {
- // this case should never happen
- // if (!node.rbLeft) {
- // rArc = node.rbLeft;
- // break;
- // }
- node = node.rbLeft;
- }
- else {
- dxr = x-this.rightBreakPoint(node,directrix);
- // x greaterThanWithEpsilon xr => falls somewhere after the right edge of the beachsection
- if (dxr > 1e-9) {
- if (!node.rbRight) {
- lArc = node;
- break;
- }
- node = node.rbRight;
- }
- else {
- // x equalWithEpsilon xl => falls exactly on the left edge of the beachsection
- if (dxl > -1e-9) {
- lArc = node.rbPrevious;
- rArc = node;
- }
- // x equalWithEpsilon xr => falls exactly on the right edge of the beachsection
- else if (dxr > -1e-9) {
- lArc = node;
- rArc = node.rbNext;
- }
- // falls exactly somewhere in the middle of the beachsection
- else {
- lArc = rArc = node;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // at this point, keep in mind that lArc and/or rArc could be
- // undefined or null.
- // create a new beach section object for the site and add it to RB-tree
- var newArc = this.createBeachsection(site);
- this.beachline.rbInsertSuccessor(lArc, newArc);
- // cases:
- //
- // [null,null]
- // least likely case: new beach section is the first beach section on the
- // beachline.
- // This case means:
- // no new transition appears
- // no collapsing beach section
- // new beachsection become root of the RB-tree
- if (!lArc && !rArc) {
- return;
- }
- // [lArc,rArc] where lArc == rArc
- // most likely case: new beach section split an existing beach
- // section.
- // This case means:
- // one new transition appears
- // the left and right beach section might be collapsing as a result
- // two new nodes added to the RB-tree
- if (lArc === rArc) {
- // invalidate circle event of split beach section
- this.detachCircleEvent(lArc);
- // split the beach section into two separate beach sections
- rArc = this.createBeachsection(lArc.site);
- this.beachline.rbInsertSuccessor(newArc, rArc);
- // since we have a new transition between two beach sections,
- // a new edge is born
- newArc.edge = rArc.edge = this.createEdge(lArc.site, newArc.site);
- // check whether the left and right beach sections are collapsing
- // and if so create circle events, to be notified when the point of
- // collapse is reached.
- this.attachCircleEvent(lArc);
- this.attachCircleEvent(rArc);
- return;
- }
- // [lArc,null]
- // even less likely case: new beach section is the *last* beach section
- // on the beachline -- this can happen *only* if *all* the previous beach
- // sections currently on the beachline share the same y value as
- // the new beach section.
- // This case means:
- // one new transition appears
- // no collapsing beach section as a result
- // new beach section become right-most node of the RB-tree
- if (lArc && !rArc) {
- newArc.edge = this.createEdge(lArc.site,newArc.site);
- return;
- }
- // [null,rArc]
- // impossible case: because sites are strictly processed from top to bottom,
- // and left to right, which guarantees that there will always be a beach section
- // on the left -- except of course when there are no beach section at all on
- // the beach line, which case was handled above.
- // rhill 2011-06-02: No point testing in non-debug version
- //if (!lArc && rArc) {
- // throw "Voronoi.addBeachsection(): What is this I don't even";
- // }
- // [lArc,rArc] where lArc != rArc
- // somewhat less likely case: new beach section falls *exactly* in between two
- // existing beach sections
- // This case means:
- // one transition disappears
- // two new transitions appear
- // the left and right beach section might be collapsing as a result
- // only one new node added to the RB-tree
- if (lArc !== rArc) {
- // invalidate circle events of left and right sites
- this.detachCircleEvent(lArc);
- this.detachCircleEvent(rArc);
- // an existing transition disappears, meaning a vertex is defined at
- // the disappearance point.
- // since the disappearance is caused by the new beachsection, the
- // vertex is at the center of the circumscribed circle of the left,
- // new and right beachsections.
- // http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/55002.html
- // Except that I bring the origin at A to simplify
- // calculation
- var lSite = lArc.site,
- ax = lSite.x,
- ay = lSite.y,
- bx=site.x-ax,
- by=site.y-ay,
- rSite = rArc.site,
- cx=rSite.x-ax,
- cy=rSite.y-ay,
- d=2*(bx*cy-by*cx),
- hb=bx*bx+by*by,
- hc=cx*cx+cy*cy,
- vertex = this.createVertex((cy*hb-by*hc)/d+ax, (bx*hc-cx*hb)/d+ay);
- // one transition disappear
- this.setEdgeStartpoint(rArc.edge, lSite, rSite, vertex);
- // two new transitions appear at the new vertex location
- newArc.edge = this.createEdge(lSite, site, undefined, vertex);
- rArc.edge = this.createEdge(site, rSite, undefined, vertex);
- // check whether the left and right beach sections are collapsing
- // and if so create circle events, to handle the point of collapse.
- this.attachCircleEvent(lArc);
- this.attachCircleEvent(rArc);
- return;
- }
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Circle event methods
-// rhill 2011-06-07: For some reasons, performance suffers significantly
-// when instanciating a literal object instead of an empty ctor
-Voronoi.prototype.CircleEvent = function() {
- // rhill 2013-10-12: it helps to state exactly what we are at ctor time.
- this.arc = null;
- this.rbLeft = null;
- this.rbNext = null;
- this.rbParent = null;
- this.rbPrevious = null;
- this.rbRed = false;
- this.rbRight = null;
- this.site = null;
- this.x = this.y = this.ycenter = 0;
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.attachCircleEvent = function(arc) {
- var lArc = arc.rbPrevious,
- rArc = arc.rbNext;
- if (!lArc || !rArc) {return;} // does that ever happen?
- var lSite = lArc.site,
- cSite = arc.site,
- rSite = rArc.site;
- // If site of left beachsection is same as site of
- // right beachsection, there can't be convergence
- if (lSite===rSite) {return;}
- // Find the circumscribed circle for the three sites associated
- // with the beachsection triplet.
- // rhill 2011-05-26: It is more efficient to calculate in-place
- // rather than getting the resulting circumscribed circle from an
- // object returned by calling Voronoi.circumcircle()
- // http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/55002.html
- // Except that I bring the origin at cSite to simplify calculations.
- // The bottom-most part of the circumcircle is our Fortune 'circle
- // event', and its center is a vertex potentially part of the final
- // Voronoi diagram.
- var bx = cSite.x,
- by = cSite.y,
- ax = lSite.x-bx,
- ay = lSite.y-by,
- cx = rSite.x-bx,
- cy = rSite.y-by;
- // If points l->c->r are clockwise, then center beach section does not
- // collapse, hence it can't end up as a vertex (we reuse 'd' here, which
- // sign is reverse of the orientation, hence we reverse the test.
- // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curve_orientation#Orientation_of_a_simple_polygon
- // rhill 2011-05-21: Nasty finite precision error which caused circumcircle() to
- // return infinites: 1e-12 seems to fix the problem.
- var d = 2*(ax*cy-ay*cx);
- if (d >= -2e-12){return;}
- var ha = ax*ax+ay*ay,
- hc = cx*cx+cy*cy,
- x = (cy*ha-ay*hc)/d,
- y = (ax*hc-cx*ha)/d,
- ycenter = y+by;
- // Important: ybottom should always be under or at sweep, so no need
- // to waste CPU cycles by checking
- // recycle circle event object if possible
- var circleEvent = this.circleEventJunkyard.pop();
- if (!circleEvent) {
- circleEvent = new this.CircleEvent();
- }
- circleEvent.arc = arc;
- circleEvent.site = cSite;
- circleEvent.x = x+bx;
- circleEvent.y = ycenter+this.sqrt(x*x+y*y); // y bottom
- circleEvent.ycenter = ycenter;
- arc.circleEvent = circleEvent;
- // find insertion point in RB-tree: circle events are ordered from
- // smallest to largest
- var predecessor = null,
- node = this.circleEvents.root;
- while (node) {
- if (circleEvent.y < node.y || (circleEvent.y === node.y && circleEvent.x <= node.x)) {
- if (node.rbLeft) {
- node = node.rbLeft;
- }
- else {
- predecessor = node.rbPrevious;
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (node.rbRight) {
- node = node.rbRight;
- }
- else {
- predecessor = node;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- this.circleEvents.rbInsertSuccessor(predecessor, circleEvent);
- if (!predecessor) {
- this.firstCircleEvent = circleEvent;
- }
- };
-Voronoi.prototype.detachCircleEvent = function(arc) {
- var circleEvent = arc.circleEvent;
- if (circleEvent) {
- if (!circleEvent.rbPrevious) {
- this.firstCircleEvent = circleEvent.rbNext;
- }
- this.circleEvents.rbRemoveNode(circleEvent); // remove from RB-tree
- this.circleEventJunkyard.push(circleEvent);
- arc.circleEvent = null;
- }
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Diagram completion methods
-// connect dangling edges (not if a cursory test tells us
-// it is not going to be visible.
-// return value:
-// false: the dangling endpoint couldn't be connected
-// true: the dangling endpoint could be connected
-Voronoi.prototype.connectEdge = function(edge, bbox) {
- // skip if end point already connected
- var vb = edge.vb;
- if (!!vb) {return true;}
- // make local copy for performance purpose
- var va = edge.va,
- xl = bbox.xl,
- xr = bbox.xr,
- yt = bbox.yt,
- yb = bbox.yb,
- lSite = edge.lSite,
- rSite = edge.rSite,
- lx = lSite.x,
- ly = lSite.y,
- rx = rSite.x,
- ry = rSite.y,
- fx = (lx+rx)/2,
- fy = (ly+ry)/2,
- fm, fb;
- // if we reach here, this means cells which use this edge will need
- // to be closed, whether because the edge was removed, or because it
- // was connected to the bounding box.
- this.cells[lSite.voronoiId].closeMe = true;
- this.cells[rSite.voronoiId].closeMe = true;
- // get the line equation of the bisector if line is not vertical
- if (ry !== ly) {
- fm = (lx-rx)/(ry-ly);
- fb = fy-fm*fx;
- }
- // remember, direction of line (relative to left site):
- // upward: left.x < right.x
- // downward: left.x > right.x
- // horizontal: left.x == right.x
- // upward: left.x < right.x
- // rightward: left.y < right.y
- // leftward: left.y > right.y
- // vertical: left.y == right.y
- // depending on the direction, find the best side of the
- // bounding box to use to determine a reasonable start point
- // rhill 2013-12-02:
- // While at it, since we have the values which define the line,
- // clip the end of va if it is outside the bbox.
- // https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/issues/15
- // TODO: Do all the clipping here rather than rely on Liang-Barsky
- // which does not do well sometimes due to loss of arithmetic
- // precision. The code here doesn't degrade if one of the vertex is
- // at a huge distance.
- // special case: vertical line
- if (fm === undefined) {
- // doesn't intersect with viewport
- if (fx < xl || fx >= xr) {return false;}
- // downward
- if (lx > rx) {
- if (!va || va.y < yt) {
- va = this.createVertex(fx, yt);
- }
- else if (va.y >= yb) {
- return false;
- }
- vb = this.createVertex(fx, yb);
- }
- // upward
- else {
- if (!va || va.y > yb) {
- va = this.createVertex(fx, yb);
- }
- else if (va.y < yt) {
- return false;
- }
- vb = this.createVertex(fx, yt);
- }
- }
- // closer to vertical than horizontal, connect start point to the
- // top or bottom side of the bounding box
- else if (fm < -1 || fm > 1) {
- // downward
- if (lx > rx) {
- if (!va || va.y < yt) {
- va = this.createVertex((yt-fb)/fm, yt);
- }
- else if (va.y >= yb) {
- return false;
- }
- vb = this.createVertex((yb-fb)/fm, yb);
- }
- // upward
- else {
- if (!va || va.y > yb) {
- va = this.createVertex((yb-fb)/fm, yb);
- }
- else if (va.y < yt) {
- return false;
- }
- vb = this.createVertex((yt-fb)/fm, yt);
- }
- }
- // closer to horizontal than vertical, connect start point to the
- // left or right side of the bounding box
- else {
- // rightward
- if (ly < ry) {
- if (!va || va.x < xl) {
- va = this.createVertex(xl, fm*xl+fb);
- }
- else if (va.x >= xr) {
- return false;
- }
- vb = this.createVertex(xr, fm*xr+fb);
- }
- // leftward
- else {
- if (!va || va.x > xr) {
- va = this.createVertex(xr, fm*xr+fb);
- }
- else if (va.x < xl) {
- return false;
- }
- vb = this.createVertex(xl, fm*xl+fb);
- }
- }
- edge.va = va;
- edge.vb = vb;
- return true;
- };
-// line-clipping code taken from:
-// Liang-Barsky function by Daniel White
-// http://www.skytopia.com/project/articles/compsci/clipping.html
-// Thanks!
-// A bit modified to minimize code paths
-Voronoi.prototype.clipEdge = function(edge, bbox) {
- var ax = edge.va.x,
- ay = edge.va.y,
- bx = edge.vb.x,
- by = edge.vb.y,
- t0 = 0,
- t1 = 1,
- dx = bx-ax,
- dy = by-ay;
- // left
- var q = ax-bbox.xl;
- if (dx===0 && q<0) {return false;}
- var r = -q/dx;
- if (dx<0) {
- if (r<t0) {return false;}
- if (r<t1) {t1=r;}
- }
- else if (dx>0) {
- if (r>t1) {return false;}
- if (r>t0) {t0=r;}
- }
- // right
- q = bbox.xr-ax;
- if (dx===0 && q<0) {return false;}
- r = q/dx;
- if (dx<0) {
- if (r>t1) {return false;}
- if (r>t0) {t0=r;}
- }
- else if (dx>0) {
- if (r<t0) {return false;}
- if (r<t1) {t1=r;}
- }
- // top
- q = ay-bbox.yt;
- if (dy===0 && q<0) {return false;}
- r = -q/dy;
- if (dy<0) {
- if (r<t0) {return false;}
- if (r<t1) {t1=r;}
- }
- else if (dy>0) {
- if (r>t1) {return false;}
- if (r>t0) {t0=r;}
- }
- // bottom
- q = bbox.yb-ay;
- if (dy===0 && q<0) {return false;}
- r = q/dy;
- if (dy<0) {
- if (r>t1) {return false;}
- if (r>t0) {t0=r;}
- }
- else if (dy>0) {
- if (r<t0) {return false;}
- if (r<t1) {t1=r;}
- }
- // if we reach this point, Voronoi edge is within bbox
- // if t0 > 0, va needs to change
- // rhill 2011-06-03: we need to create a new vertex rather
- // than modifying the existing one, since the existing
- // one is likely shared with at least another edge
- if (t0 > 0) {
- edge.va = this.createVertex(ax+t0*dx, ay+t0*dy);
- }
- // if t1 < 1, vb needs to change
- // rhill 2011-06-03: we need to create a new vertex rather
- // than modifying the existing one, since the existing
- // one is likely shared with at least another edge
- if (t1 < 1) {
- edge.vb = this.createVertex(ax+t1*dx, ay+t1*dy);
- }
- // va and/or vb were clipped, thus we will need to close
- // cells which use this edge.
- if ( t0 > 0 || t1 < 1 ) {
- this.cells[edge.lSite.voronoiId].closeMe = true;
- this.cells[edge.rSite.voronoiId].closeMe = true;
- }
- return true;
- };
-// Connect/cut edges at bounding box
-Voronoi.prototype.clipEdges = function(bbox) {
- // connect all dangling edges to bounding box
- // or get rid of them if it can't be done
- var edges = this.edges,
- iEdge = edges.length,
- edge,
- abs_fn = Math.abs;
- // iterate backward so we can splice safely
- while (iEdge--) {
- edge = edges[iEdge];
- // edge is removed if:
- // it is wholly outside the bounding box
- // it is looking more like a point than a line
- if (!this.connectEdge(edge, bbox) ||
- !this.clipEdge(edge, bbox) ||
- (abs_fn(edge.va.x-edge.vb.x)<1e-9 && abs_fn(edge.va.y-edge.vb.y)<1e-9)) {
- edge.va = edge.vb = null;
- edges.splice(iEdge,1);
- }
- }
- };
-// Close the cells.
-// The cells are bound by the supplied bounding box.
-// Each cell refers to its associated site, and a list
-// of halfedges ordered counterclockwise.
-Voronoi.prototype.closeCells = function(bbox) {
- var xl = bbox.xl,
- xr = bbox.xr,
- yt = bbox.yt,
- yb = bbox.yb,
- cells = this.cells,
- iCell = cells.length,
- cell,
- iLeft,
- halfedges, nHalfedges,
- edge,
- va, vb, vz,
- lastBorderSegment,
- abs_fn = Math.abs;
- while (iCell--) {
- cell = cells[iCell];
- // prune, order halfedges counterclockwise, then add missing ones
- // required to close cells
- if (!cell.prepareHalfedges()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!cell.closeMe) {
- continue;
- }
- // find first 'unclosed' point.
- // an 'unclosed' point will be the end point of a halfedge which
- // does not match the start point of the following halfedge
- halfedges = cell.halfedges;
- nHalfedges = halfedges.length;
- // special case: only one site, in which case, the viewport is the cell
- // ...
- // all other cases
- iLeft = 0;
- while (iLeft < nHalfedges) {
- va = halfedges[iLeft].getEndpoint();
- vz = halfedges[(iLeft+1) % nHalfedges].getStartpoint();
- // if end point is not equal to start point, we need to add the missing
- // halfedge(s) up to vz
- if (abs_fn(va.x-vz.x)>=1e-9 || abs_fn(va.y-vz.y)>=1e-9) {
- // rhill 2013-12-02:
- // "Holes" in the halfedges are not necessarily always adjacent.
- // https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/issues/16
- // find entry point:
- switch (true) {
- // walk downward along left side
- case this.equalWithEpsilon(va.x,xl) && this.lessThanWithEpsilon(va.y,yb):
- lastBorderSegment = this.equalWithEpsilon(vz.x,xl);
- vb = this.createVertex(xl, lastBorderSegment ? vz.y : yb);
- edge = this.createBorderEdge(cell.site, va, vb);
- iLeft++;
- halfedges.splice(iLeft, 0, this.createHalfedge(edge, cell.site, null));
- nHalfedges++;
- if ( lastBorderSegment ) { break; }
- va = vb;
- // fall through
- // walk rightward along bottom side
- case this.equalWithEpsilon(va.y,yb) && this.lessThanWithEpsilon(va.x,xr):
- lastBorderSegment = this.equalWithEpsilon(vz.y,yb);
- vb = this.createVertex(lastBorderSegment ? vz.x : xr, yb);
- edge = this.createBorderEdge(cell.site, va, vb);
- iLeft++;
- halfedges.splice(iLeft, 0, this.createHalfedge(edge, cell.site, null));
- nHalfedges++;
- if ( lastBorderSegment ) { break; }
- va = vb;
- // fall through
- // walk upward along right side
- case this.equalWithEpsilon(va.x,xr) && this.greaterThanWithEpsilon(va.y,yt):
- lastBorderSegment = this.equalWithEpsilon(vz.x,xr);
- vb = this.createVertex(xr, lastBorderSegment ? vz.y : yt);
- edge = this.createBorderEdge(cell.site, va, vb);
- iLeft++;
- halfedges.splice(iLeft, 0, this.createHalfedge(edge, cell.site, null));
- nHalfedges++;
- if ( lastBorderSegment ) { break; }
- va = vb;
- // fall through
- // walk leftward along top side
- case this.equalWithEpsilon(va.y,yt) && this.greaterThanWithEpsilon(va.x,xl):
- lastBorderSegment = this.equalWithEpsilon(vz.y,yt);
- vb = this.createVertex(lastBorderSegment ? vz.x : xl, yt);
- edge = this.createBorderEdge(cell.site, va, vb);
- iLeft++;
- halfedges.splice(iLeft, 0, this.createHalfedge(edge, cell.site, null));
- nHalfedges++;
- if ( lastBorderSegment ) { break; }
- va = vb;
- // fall through
- // walk downward along left side
- lastBorderSegment = this.equalWithEpsilon(vz.x,xl);
- vb = this.createVertex(xl, lastBorderSegment ? vz.y : yb);
- edge = this.createBorderEdge(cell.site, va, vb);
- iLeft++;
- halfedges.splice(iLeft, 0, this.createHalfedge(edge, cell.site, null));
- nHalfedges++;
- if ( lastBorderSegment ) { break; }
- va = vb;
- // fall through
- // walk rightward along bottom side
- lastBorderSegment = this.equalWithEpsilon(vz.y,yb);
- vb = this.createVertex(lastBorderSegment ? vz.x : xr, yb);
- edge = this.createBorderEdge(cell.site, va, vb);
- iLeft++;
- halfedges.splice(iLeft, 0, this.createHalfedge(edge, cell.site, null));
- nHalfedges++;
- if ( lastBorderSegment ) { break; }
- va = vb;
- // fall through
- // walk upward along right side
- lastBorderSegment = this.equalWithEpsilon(vz.x,xr);
- vb = this.createVertex(xr, lastBorderSegment ? vz.y : yt);
- edge = this.createBorderEdge(cell.site, va, vb);
- iLeft++;
- halfedges.splice(iLeft, 0, this.createHalfedge(edge, cell.site, null));
- nHalfedges++;
- if ( lastBorderSegment ) { break; }
- // fall through
- default:
- throw "Voronoi.closeCells() > this makes no sense!";
- }
- }
- iLeft++;
- }
- cell.closeMe = false;
- }
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Debugging helper
-Voronoi.prototype.dumpBeachline = function(y) {
- console.log('Voronoi.dumpBeachline(%f) > Beachsections, from left to right:', y);
- if ( !this.beachline ) {
- console.log(' None');
- }
- else {
- var bs = this.beachline.getFirst(this.beachline.root);
- while ( bs ) {
- console.log(' site %d: xl: %f, xr: %f', bs.site.voronoiId, this.leftBreakPoint(bs, y), this.rightBreakPoint(bs, y));
- bs = bs.rbNext;
- }
- }
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Helper: Quantize sites
-// rhill 2013-10-12:
-// This is to solve https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/issues/15
-// Since not all users will end up using the kind of coord values which would
-// cause the issue to arise, I chose to let the user decide whether or not
-// he should sanitize his coord values through this helper. This way, for
-// those users who uses coord values which are known to be fine, no overhead is
-// added.
-Voronoi.prototype.quantizeSites = function(sites) {
- var ε = this.ε,
- n = sites.length,
- site;
- while ( n-- ) {
- site = sites[n];
- site.x = Math.floor(site.x / ε) * ε;
- site.y = Math.floor(site.y / ε) * ε;
- }
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Helper: Recycle diagram: all vertex, edge and cell objects are
-// "surrendered" to the Voronoi object for reuse.
-// TODO: rhill-voronoi-core v2: more performance to be gained
-// when I change the semantic of what is returned.
-Voronoi.prototype.recycle = function(diagram) {
- if ( diagram ) {
- if ( diagram instanceof this.Diagram ) {
- this.toRecycle = diagram;
- }
- else {
- throw 'Voronoi.recycleDiagram() > Need a Diagram object.';
- }
- }
- };
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Top-level Fortune loop
-// rhill 2011-05-19:
-// Voronoi sites are kept client-side now, to allow
-// user to freely modify content. At compute time,
-// *references* to sites are copied locally.
-Voronoi.prototype.compute = function(sites, bbox) {
- // to measure execution time
- var startTime = new Date();
- // init internal state
- this.reset();
- // any diagram data available for recycling?
- // I do that here so that this is included in execution time
- if ( this.toRecycle ) {
- this.vertexJunkyard = this.vertexJunkyard.concat(this.toRecycle.vertices);
- this.edgeJunkyard = this.edgeJunkyard.concat(this.toRecycle.edges);
- this.cellJunkyard = this.cellJunkyard.concat(this.toRecycle.cells);
- this.toRecycle = null;
- }
- // Initialize site event queue
- var siteEvents = sites.slice(0);
- siteEvents.sort(function(a,b){
- var r = b.y - a.y;
- if (r) {return r;}
- return b.x - a.x;
- });
- // process queue
- var site = siteEvents.pop(),
- siteid = 0,
- xsitex, // to avoid duplicate sites
- xsitey,
- cells = this.cells,
- circle;
- // main loop
- for (;;) {
- // we need to figure whether we handle a site or circle event
- // for this we find out if there is a site event and it is
- // 'earlier' than the circle event
- circle = this.firstCircleEvent;
- // add beach section
- if (site && (!circle || site.y < circle.y || (site.y === circle.y && site.x < circle.x))) {
- // only if site is not a duplicate
- if (site.x !== xsitex || site.y !== xsitey) {
- // first create cell for new site
- cells[siteid] = this.createCell(site);
- site.voronoiId = siteid++;
- // then create a beachsection for that site
- this.addBeachsection(site);
- // remember last site coords to detect duplicate
- xsitey = site.y;
- xsitex = site.x;
- }
- site = siteEvents.pop();
- }
- // remove beach section
- else if (circle) {
- this.removeBeachsection(circle.arc);
- }
- // all done, quit
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- // wrapping-up:
- // connect dangling edges to bounding box
- // cut edges as per bounding box
- // discard edges completely outside bounding box
- // discard edges which are point-like
- this.clipEdges(bbox);
- // add missing edges in order to close opened cells
- this.closeCells(bbox);
- // to measure execution time
- var stopTime = new Date();
- // prepare return values
- var diagram = new this.Diagram();
- diagram.cells = this.cells;
- diagram.edges = this.edges;
- diagram.vertices = this.vertices;
- diagram.execTime = stopTime.getTime()-startTime.getTime();
- // clean up
- this.reset();
- return diagram;
- };
-if ( typeof module !== 'undefined' ) {
- module.exports = Voronoi;
-export default Voronoi;
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/voronoi/voronoi.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/voronoi/voronoi.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a63bc9a..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/voronoi/voronoi.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-import type { Shader } from "../webgl/shader";
-import type { BBox, Point } from "./voronoi-core";
-import Voronoi from "./voronoi-core";
-import { DefaultRenderable } from "../webgl/renderer";
-import { IndexBuffer, VertexBuffer } from "../webgl/buffer";
-import { VertexBufferLayout, VertexArray } from "../webgl/vertexBufferLayout";
-function arcctg(x: number): number { return Math.PI / 2 - Math.atan(x); }
-function to_key(p: Point): string {
- return [p.x, p.y] + "";
-function round_point(center: Point, point: Point, amount_fn = (b: number) => 0.7): Point {
- const d = dist(center, point, true);
- const x = center.x + amount_fn(d) * (point.x - center.x);
- const y = center.y + amount_fn(d) * (point.y - center.y);
- return { 'x': x, 'y': y };
-function median_point(c: Point, p: Point, n: Point, d = 0.1): number[] {
- const dd = 1.0 - 2 * d;
- return [
- dd * c.x + d * p.x + d * n.x,
- dd * c.y + d * p.y + d * n.y,
- ]
-function build_point_map(es: Voronoi.HalfEdge[]): (point: Point) => Point {
- const mean = es.map(e => dist(e.getStartpoint(), e.getEndpoint())).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / es.length;
- const map = {};
- for (let edge of es) {
- const start = edge.getStartpoint();
- const end = edge.getEndpoint();
- if (dist(start, end) < 0.03 * mean) { // These points have to be merged
- const middle = { 'x': (start.x + end.x) / 2, 'y': (start.y + end.y) / 2 };
- map[to_key(start)] = middle;
- map[to_key(end)] = middle;
- }
- }
- return (p) => map[to_key(p)] || p;
-function get_round_fn(dist_mean: number, amount = 0.7): (d: number) => number {
- return (d) => arcctg((d - dist_mean) / dist_mean) / Math.PI + 0.6;
-function dist(a: Point, b: Point, norm = false): number {
- const dx = a.x - b.x;
- const dy = a.y - b.y;
- if (norm) return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- return dx * dx + dy * dy;
-export class VoronoiBuilder {
- inner: DefaultRenderable;
- vor: Voronoi;
- planets: Point[];
- constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, shader: Shader, planets: Point[], bbox: BBox) {
- this.vor = new Voronoi();
- this.planets = planets;
- const ib = new IndexBuffer(gl, []);
- const vb = new VertexBuffer(gl, []);
- const layout = new VertexBufferLayout();
- layout.push(gl.FLOAT, 2, 4, "a_pos");
- layout.push(gl.FLOAT, 2, 4, "a_center");
- layout.push(gl.FLOAT, 1, 4, "a_own");
- layout.push(gl.FLOAT, 1, 4, "a_intensity");
- const vao = new VertexArray();
- vao.addBuffer(vb, layout);
- this.inner = new DefaultRenderable(ib, vao, shader, [], {});
- this.resize(gl, bbox);
- }
- getRenderable(): DefaultRenderable {
- return this.inner;
- }
- resize(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, bbox: BBox) {
- const start = new Date().getTime();
- // This voronoi sorts the planets, then owners don't align anymore
- const own_map = {};
- this.planets.forEach((p, i) => own_map[to_key(p)] = i);
- const vor = this.vor.compute(this.planets, bbox);
- const attrs = [];
- const ids = [];
- let vertCount = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < vor.cells.length; i++) {
- const cell = vor.cells[i];
- const planetId = own_map[to_key(cell.site)];
- const point_map = build_point_map(cell.halfedges);
- const centerId = vertCount++;
- attrs.push(cell.site.x, cell.site.y);
- attrs.push(cell.site.x, cell.site.y);
- attrs.push(planetId);
- attrs.push(1);
- const dist_mean = cell.halfedges.map(e => {
- const start = e.getStartpoint();
- const end = e.getEndpoint();
- return dist(cell.site, start, true) + dist(cell.site, { 'x': (start.x + end.x) / 2, 'y': (start.y + end.y) / 2 }, true)
- }).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / cell.halfedges.length / 2;
- const round_fn = get_round_fn(dist_mean);
- for (let edge of cell.halfedges) {
- let start = point_map(edge.getStartpoint());
- let end = point_map(edge.getEndpoint());
- let center = { 'x': (start.x + end.x) / 2, 'y': (start.y + end.y) / 2 };
- if (to_key(start) == to_key(end)) continue;
- start = round_point(cell.site, start, round_fn);
- center = round_point(cell.site, center, round_fn);
- end = round_point(cell.site, end, round_fn);
- ids.push(centerId);
- ids.push(vertCount++);
- attrs.push(start.x, start.y);
- attrs.push(cell.site.x, cell.site.y);
- attrs.push(planetId);
- attrs.push(0);
- ids.push(vertCount++);
- attrs.push(center.x, center.y);
- attrs.push(cell.site.x, cell.site.y);
- attrs.push(planetId);
- attrs.push(0);
- ids.push(centerId);
- ids.push(vertCount - 1);
- ids.push(vertCount++);
- attrs.push(end.x, end.y);
- attrs.push(cell.site.x, cell.site.y);
- attrs.push(planetId);
- attrs.push(0);
- }
- }
- this.inner.updateIndexBuffer(gl, ids);
- this.inner.updateVAOBuffer(gl, 0, attrs);
- console.log(`Vor things took ${new Date().getTime() - start} ms!`)
- }
-export default VoronoiBuilder; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/buffer.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/buffer.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2739fbe..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/buffer.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-export class Buffer {
- buffer: WebGLBuffer;
- data: any;
- count: number;
- type: number;
- constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, data: number[], type: number) {
- this.buffer = gl.createBuffer();
- this.type = type;
- if (data)
- this.updateData(gl, data);
- }
- _toArray(data: number[]): any {
- return new Float32Array(data);
- }
- updateData(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, data: number[]) {
- this.data = data;
- this.count = data.length;
- gl.bindBuffer(this.type, this.buffer);
- gl.bufferData(this.type, this._toArray(data), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
- }
- bind(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) {
- gl.bindBuffer(this.type, this.buffer);
- }
- getCount(): number {
- return this.count;
- }
-export class VertexBuffer extends Buffer {
- constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, data: any) {
- super(gl, data, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER);
- }
- _toArray(data: number[]): any {
- return new Float32Array(data);
- }
-export class IndexBuffer extends Buffer {
- constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, data: any) {
- super(gl, data, gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
- }
- _toArray(data: number[]): any {
- return new Uint16Array(data);
- }
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/index.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fdb7886..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-import { Uniform4f, Uniform1f, Uniform2f, ShaderFactory, UniformMatrix3fv, Uniform3f } from './shader';
-import { resizeCanvasToDisplaySize, FPSCounter, onload2promise, Resizer, url_to_mesh } from "./util";
-import { VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer } from './buffer';
-import { VertexArray, VertexBufferLayout } from './vertexBufferLayout';
-import { Renderer } from './renderer';
-import { Texture } from './texture';
-const URL = window.location.origin+window.location.pathname;
-const LOCATION = URL.substring(0, URL.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
-async function create_texture_from_svg(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, name: string, path: string, width: number, height: number): Promise<Texture> {
- const [mesh, factory] = await Promise.all([
- url_to_mesh(path),
- ShaderFactory.create_factory(LOCATION + "static/shaders/frag/static_color.glsl", LOCATION + "static/shaders/vert/svg.glsl")
- ]);
- const program = factory.create_shader(gl);
- const renderer = new Renderer();
- var positionBuffer = new VertexBuffer(gl, mesh.positions);
- var layout = new VertexBufferLayout();
- layout.push(gl.FLOAT, 3, 4, "a_position");
- const vao = new VertexArray();
- vao.addBuffer(positionBuffer, layout);
- program.bind(gl);
- vao.bind(gl, program);
- var indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(gl, mesh.cells);
- indexBuffer.bind(gl);
- renderer.addToDraw(indexBuffer, vao, program, {});
- return Texture.fromRenderer(gl, name, width, height, renderer);
-async function main() {
- // Get A WebGL context
- var canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("c");
- const resolution = [canvas.width, canvas.height];
- const resizer = new Resizer(canvas, [-10, -10, 20, 20], true);
- var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl");
- if (!gl) {
- return;
- }
- const mesh = await url_to_mesh("static/res/images/earth.svg");
- console.log(Math.max(...mesh.positions), Math.min(...mesh.positions));
- const renderer = new Renderer();
- const factory = await ShaderFactory.create_factory(LOCATION + "static/shaders/frag/static_color.glsl", LOCATION + "static/shaders/vert/simple.glsl");
- const program = factory.create_shader(gl);
- var positionBuffer = new VertexBuffer(gl, mesh.positions);
- var layout = new VertexBufferLayout();
- layout.push(gl.FLOAT, 3, 4, "a_position");
- // layout.push(gl.FLOAT, 2, 4, "a_tex");
- const vao = new VertexArray();
- vao.addBuffer(positionBuffer, layout);
- resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(<HTMLCanvasElement>gl.canvas);
- // Tell WebGL how to convert from clip space to pixels
- gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height);
- // Clear the canvas
- gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
- gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
- gl.enable(gl.BLEND);
- gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
- program.bind(gl);
- vao.bind(gl, program);
- var indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(gl, mesh.cells);
- indexBuffer.bind(gl);
- renderer.addToDraw(indexBuffer, vao, program, {});
- const counter = new FPSCounter();
- const step = function (time: number) {
- // console.log(resizer.get_viewbox());
- program.uniform(gl, "u_time", new Uniform1f(time * 0.001));
- program.uniform(gl, "u_mouse", new Uniform2f(resizer.get_mouse_pos()));
- program.uniform(gl, "u_viewbox", new Uniform4f(resizer.get_viewbox()));
- program.uniform(gl, "u_resolution", new Uniform2f(resolution));
- program.uniform(gl, "u_trans", new UniformMatrix3fv([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
- program.uniform(gl, "u_color", new Uniform3f(1.0, 0.5, 0.0));
- renderer.render(gl);
- counter.frame(time);
- requestAnimationFrame(step);
- }
- requestAnimationFrame(step);
-// const loader = document.getElementById("loader");
-// setInterval(() => {
-// if (loader.classList.contains("loading")) {
-// loader.classList.remove("loading")
-// } else {
-// loader.classList.add("loading");
-// }
-// }, 2000);
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/renderer.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/renderer.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c3b219f..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/renderer.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-import type { IndexBuffer } from './buffer';
-import type { VertexArray } from './vertexBufferLayout';
-import type { Texture } from './texture';
-import type { Dictionary } from './util';
-import type { Shader, Uniform } from './shader';
-import { Uniform1i } from './shader';
-function sortedIndex(array, value) {
- var low = 0,
- high = array.length;
- while (low < high) {
- var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
- if (array[mid] < value) low = mid + 1;
- else high = mid;
- }
- return low;
-export interface Renderable {
- getUniforms() : Dictionary<Uniform>;
- render(gl: WebGLRenderingContext): void;
- updateVAOBuffer(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, index: number, data: number[]);
- updateIndexBuffer(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, data: number[]);
-export class DefaultRenderable implements Renderable {
- ibo: IndexBuffer;
- va: VertexArray;
- shader: Shader;
- textures: Texture[];
- uniforms: Dictionary<Uniform>;
- constructor(
- ibo: IndexBuffer,
- va: VertexArray,
- shader: Shader,
- textures: Texture[],
- uniforms: Dictionary<Uniform>,
- ) {
- this.ibo = ibo;
- this.va = va;
- this.shader = shader;
- this.textures = textures;
- this.uniforms = uniforms;
- }
- getUniforms(): Dictionary<Uniform> {
- return this.uniforms;
- }
- updateVAOBuffer(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, index: number, data: number[]) {
- this.va.updateBuffer(gl, index, data);
- }
- updateIndexBuffer(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, data: number[]) {
- this.ibo.updateData(gl, data);
- }
- render(gl: WebGLRenderingContext): void {
- const indexBuffer = this.ibo;
- const vertexArray = this.va;
- const uniforms = this.uniforms;
- const shader = this.shader;
- const textures = this.textures;
- let texLocation = 0;
- for (let texture of textures) {
- shader.uniform(gl, texture.name, new Uniform1i(texLocation));
- texture.bind(gl, texLocation);
- texLocation ++;
- // if (texLocation > maxTextures) {
- // console.error("Using too many textures, this is not supported yet\nUndefined behaviour!");
- // }
- }
- if (vertexArray && shader && uniforms) {
- for(let key in uniforms) {
- shader.uniform(gl, key, uniforms[key]);
- }
- vertexArray.bind(gl, shader);
- if (indexBuffer) {
- indexBuffer.bind(gl);
- gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, indexBuffer.getCount(), gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
- } else {
- console.error("IndexBuffer is required to render, for now");
- }
- }
- }
-export class Renderer {
- renderables: { [id: number] : [Renderable, boolean][]; };
- renderable_layers: number[];
- constructor() {
- this.renderables = {};
- this.renderable_layers = [];
- }
- updateUniform(i: number, f: (uniforms: Dictionary<Uniform>) => void, layer=0, ) {
- f(this.renderables[layer][i][0].getUniforms());
- }
- disableRenderable(i: number, layer=0) {
- this.renderables[layer][i][1] = false;
- }
- enableRenderable(i: number, layer=0) {
- this.renderables[layer][i][1] = true;
- }
- addRenderable(item: Renderable, layer=0): number {
- if(!this.renderables[layer]) {
- const idx = sortedIndex(this.renderable_layers, layer);
- this.renderable_layers.splice(idx, 0, layer);
- this.renderables[layer] = [];
- }
- this.renderables[layer].push([item, true]);
- return this.renderables[layer].length - 1;
- }
- addToDraw(indexBuffer: IndexBuffer, vertexArray: VertexArray, shader: Shader, uniforms?: Dictionary<Uniform>, texture?: Texture[], layer=0): number {
- return this.addRenderable(
- new DefaultRenderable(
- indexBuffer,
- vertexArray,
- shader,
- texture || [],
- uniforms || {},
- ), layer
- );
- }
- render(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, frameBuffer?: WebGLFramebuffer, width?: number, height?: number) {
- gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
- gl.viewport(0, 0, width || gl.canvas.width, height || gl.canvas.height);
- const maxTextures = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
- for (let layer of this.renderable_layers) {
- for (let [r, e] of this.renderables[layer]) {
- if (!e) continue;
- r.render(gl);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/shader.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/shader.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 942c4c2..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/shader.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-import type { Dictionary } from './util';
-function error(msg: string) {
- console.error(msg);
-const defaultShaderType = [
-/// Create Shader from Source string
-function loadShader(
- gl: WebGLRenderingContext,
- shaderSource: string,
- shaderType: number,
- opt_errorCallback: any,
-): WebGLShader {
- var errFn = opt_errorCallback || error;
- // Create the shader object
- var shader = gl.createShader(shaderType);
- // Load the shader source
- gl.shaderSource(shader, shaderSource);
- // Compile the shader
- gl.compileShader(shader);
- // Check the compile status
- var compiled = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);
- if (!compiled) {
- // Something went wrong during compilation; get the error
- var lastError = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
- errFn("*** Error compiling shader '" + shader + "':" + lastError);
- gl.deleteShader(shader);
- return null;
- }
- return shader;
-/// Actually Create Program with Shader's
-function createProgram(
- gl: WebGLRenderingContext,
- shaders: WebGLShader[],
- opt_attribs: string[],
- opt_locations: number[],
- opt_errorCallback: any,
-): WebGLProgram {
- var errFn = opt_errorCallback || error;
- var program = gl.createProgram();
- shaders.forEach(function (shader) {
- gl.attachShader(program, shader);
- });
- if (opt_attribs) {
- opt_attribs.forEach(function (attrib, ndx) {
- gl.bindAttribLocation(
- program,
- opt_locations ? opt_locations[ndx] : ndx,
- attrib);
- });
- }
- gl.linkProgram(program);
- // Check the link status
- var linked = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS);
- if (!linked) {
- // something went wrong with the link
- var lastError = gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
- errFn("Error in program linking:" + lastError);
- gl.deleteProgram(program);
- return null;
- }
- return program;
-export class ShaderFactory {
- frag_source: string;
- vert_source: string;
- static async create_factory(frag_url: string, vert_url: string): Promise<ShaderFactory> {
- const sources = await Promise.all([
- fetch(frag_url).then((r) => r.text()),
- fetch(vert_url).then((r) => r.text()),
- ]);
- return new ShaderFactory(sources[0], sources[1]);
- }
- constructor(frag_source: string, vert_source: string ) {
- this.frag_source = frag_source;
- this.vert_source = vert_source;
- }
- create_shader(
- gl: WebGLRenderingContext,
- context?: Dictionary<string>,
- opt_attribs?: string[],
- opt_locations?: number[],
- opt_errorCallback?: any,
- ): Shader {
- let vert = this.vert_source.slice();
- let frag = this.frag_source.slice();
- for (let key in context) {
- vert = vert.replace(new RegExp("\\$" + key, 'g'), context[key]);
- frag = frag.replace(new RegExp("\\$" + key, 'g'), context[key]);
- }
- const shaders = [
- loadShader(gl, vert, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, opt_errorCallback),
- loadShader(gl, frag, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, opt_errorCallback),
- ];
- return new Shader(createProgram(gl, shaders, opt_attribs, opt_locations, opt_errorCallback));
- }
-export class Shader {
- shader: WebGLProgram;
- uniformCache: Dictionary<WebGLUniformLocation>;
- attribCache: Dictionary<number>;
- static async createProgramFromUrls(
- gl: WebGLRenderingContext,
- vert_url: string,
- frag_url: string,
- context?: Dictionary<string>,
- opt_attribs?: string[],
- opt_locations?: number[],
- opt_errorCallback?: any,
- ): Promise<Shader> {
- const sources = (await Promise.all([
- fetch(vert_url).then((r) => r.text()),
- fetch(frag_url).then((r) => r.text()),
- ])).map(x => {
- for (let key in context) {
- x = x.replace(new RegExp("\\$" + key, 'g'), context[key]);
- }
- return x;
- });
- const shaders = [
- loadShader(gl, sources[0], 35633, opt_errorCallback),
- loadShader(gl, sources[1], 35632, opt_errorCallback),
- ];
- return new Shader(createProgram(gl, shaders, opt_attribs, opt_locations, opt_errorCallback));
- }
- constructor(shader: WebGLProgram) {
- this.shader = shader;
- this.uniformCache = {};
- this.attribCache = {};
- }
- bind(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) {
- gl.useProgram(this.shader);
- }
- // Different locations have different types :/
- getUniformLocation(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, name: string): WebGLUniformLocation {
- if (this.uniformCache[name] === undefined) {
- this.uniformCache[name] = gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader, name);
- }
- return this.uniformCache[name];
- }
- getAttribLocation(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, name: string): number {
- if (this.attribCache[name] === undefined) {
- this.attribCache[name] = gl.getAttribLocation(this.shader, name);
- }
- return this.attribCache[name];
- }
- uniform<T extends Uniform>(
- gl: WebGLRenderingContext,
- name: string,
- uniform: T,
- ) {
- this.bind(gl);
- const location = this.getUniformLocation(gl, name);
- if (location < 0) {
- console.error("No location found with name " + name);
- }
- uniform.setUniform(gl, location);
- }
- clear(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) {
- gl.deleteProgram(this.shader);
- }
-export interface Uniform {
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation): void;
-export class Uniform2fv implements Uniform {
- data: number[] | Float32Array;
- constructor(data: number[] | Float32Array) {
- this.data = data;
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform2fv(location, this.data);
- }
-export class Uniform3fv implements Uniform {
- data: number[] | Float32Array;
- constructor(data: number[] | Float32Array) {
- this.data = data;
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform3fv(location, this.data);
- }
-export class Uniform3f implements Uniform {
- x: number;
- y: number;
- z: number;
- constructor(x: number, y: number, z: number) {
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- this.z = z;
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform3f(location, this.x ,this.y, this.z);
- }
-export class Uniform1iv implements Uniform {
- data: number[] | Int32List;
- constructor(data: number[] | Int32List) {
- this.data = data;
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform1iv(location, this.data);
- }
-export class Uniform1i implements Uniform {
- texture: number;
- constructor(texture: number) {
- this.texture = texture;
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform1i(location, this.texture);
- }
-export class Uniform1f implements Uniform {
- texture: number;
- constructor(texture: number) {
- this.texture = texture;
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform1f(location, this.texture);
- }
-export class Uniform2f implements Uniform {
- x: number;
- y: number;
- constructor(xy: number[]) {
- this.x = xy[0];
- this.y = xy[1];
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform2f(location, this.x, this.y);
- }
-export class Uniform4f implements Uniform {
- v0: number;
- v1: number;
- v2: number;
- v3: number;
- constructor(xyzw: number[]) {
- this.v0 = xyzw[0];
- this.v1 = xyzw[1];
- this.v2 = xyzw[2];
- this.v3 = xyzw[3];
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform4f(location, this.v0, this.v1, this.v2, this.v3);
- }
-export class UniformMatrix3fv implements Uniform {
- data: number[] | Float32Array;
- constructor(data: number[] | Float32Array) {
- this.data = data;
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniformMatrix3fv(location, false, this.data);
- }
-export class UniformBool implements Uniform {
- data: boolean;
- constructor(data: boolean) {
- this.data = data;
- }
- setUniform(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location: WebGLUniformLocation) {
- gl.uniform1i(location, this.data ? 1 : 0);
- }
-export default Shader; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/text.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/text.ts
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index 3f1cec6..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/text.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-import type { Dictionary } from "./util";
-import type { Shader, UniformMatrix3fv } from "./shader";
-import { Texture } from "./texture";
-import { DefaultRenderable } from "./renderer";
-import { IndexBuffer, VertexBuffer } from "./buffer";
-import { VertexBufferLayout, VertexArray } from "./vertexBufferLayout";
-export enum Align {
- Begin,
- End,
- Middle,
-export class GlypInfo {
- x: number;
- y: number;
- width: number;
-export class FontInfo {
- letterHeight: number;
- spaceWidth: number;
- spacing: number;
- textureWidth: number;
- textureHeight: number;
- glyphInfos: Dictionary<GlypInfo>;
-export class LabelFactory {
- texture: Texture;
- font: FontInfo;
- shader: Shader;
- constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, loc: string, font: FontInfo, shader: Shader) {
- this.texture = Texture.fromImage(gl, loc, 'font');
- this.font = font;
- this.shader = shader;
- }
- build(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, transform?: UniformMatrix3fv): Label {
- return new Label(gl, this.shader, this.texture, this.font, transform);
- }
-export class Label {
- inner: DefaultRenderable;
- font: FontInfo;
- constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, shader: Shader, tex: Texture, font: FontInfo, transform?: UniformMatrix3fv) {
- this.font = font;
- const uniforms = transform ? { "u_trans": transform, "u_trans_next": transform, } : {};
- const ib = new IndexBuffer(gl, []);
- const vb_pos = new VertexBuffer(gl, []);
- const vb_tex = new VertexBuffer(gl, []);
- const layout_pos = new VertexBufferLayout();
- layout_pos.push(gl.FLOAT, 2, 4, "a_position");
- const layout_tex = new VertexBufferLayout();
- layout_tex.push(gl.FLOAT, 2, 4, "a_texCoord");
- const vao = new VertexArray();
- vao.addBuffer(vb_pos, layout_pos);
- vao.addBuffer(vb_tex, layout_tex);
- this.inner = new DefaultRenderable(ib, vao, shader, [tex], uniforms);
- }
- getRenderable(): DefaultRenderable {
- return this.inner;
- }
- setText(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, text: string, h_align = Align.Begin, v_align = Align.Begin) {
- const idxs = [];
- const verts_pos = [];
- const verts_tex = [];
- const letterHeight = this.font.letterHeight / this.font.textureHeight;
- let xPos = 0;
- switch (h_align) {
- case Align.Begin:
- break;
- case Align.End:
- xPos = -1 * [...text].map(n => this.font.glyphInfos[n] ? this.font.glyphInfos[n].width : this.font.spaceWidth).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / this.font.letterHeight;
- break;
- case Align.Middle:
- xPos = -1 * [...text].map(n => this.font.glyphInfos[n] ? this.font.glyphInfos[n].width : this.font.spaceWidth).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / this.font.letterHeight / 2;
- break;
- }
- let yStart = 0;
- switch (v_align) {
- case Align.Begin:
- break;
- case Align.End:
- yStart = 1;
- break;
- case Align.Middle:
- yStart = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- let j = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
- const info = this.font.glyphInfos[text[i]];
- if (info) {
- const dx = info.width / this.font.letterHeight;
- const letterWidth = info.width / this.font.textureWidth;
- const x0 = info.x / this.font.textureWidth;
- const y0 = info.y / this.font.textureHeight;
- verts_pos.push(xPos, yStart);
- verts_pos.push(xPos + dx, yStart);
- verts_pos.push(xPos, yStart-1);
- verts_pos.push(xPos + dx, yStart-1);
- verts_tex.push(x0, y0);
- verts_tex.push(x0 + letterWidth, y0);
- verts_tex.push(x0, y0 + letterHeight);
- verts_tex.push(x0 + letterWidth, y0 + letterHeight);
- xPos += dx;
- idxs.push(j+0, j+1, j+2, j+1, j+2, j+3);
- j += 4;
- } else {
- // Just move xPos
- xPos += this.font.spaceWidth / this.font.letterHeight;
- }
- }
- this.inner.updateIndexBuffer(gl, idxs);
- this.inner.updateVAOBuffer(gl, 0, verts_pos);
- this.inner.updateVAOBuffer(gl, 1, verts_tex);
- }
-export function defaultLabelFactory(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, shader: Shader): LabelFactory {
- const fontInfo = {
- letterHeight: 8,
- spaceWidth: 8,
- spacing: -1,
- textureWidth: 64,
- textureHeight: 40,
- glyphInfos: {
- 'a': { x: 0, y: 0, width: 8, },
- 'b': { x: 8, y: 0, width: 8, },
- 'c': { x: 16, y: 0, width: 8, },
- 'd': { x: 24, y: 0, width: 8, },
- 'e': { x: 32, y: 0, width: 8, },
- 'f': { x: 40, y: 0, width: 8, },
- 'g': { x: 48, y: 0, width: 8, },
- 'h': { x: 56, y: 0, width: 8, },
- 'i': { x: 0, y: 8, width: 8, },
- 'j': { x: 8, y: 8, width: 8, },
- 'k': { x: 16, y: 8, width: 8, },
- 'l': { x: 24, y: 8, width: 8, },
- 'm': { x: 32, y: 8, width: 8, },
- 'n': { x: 40, y: 8, width: 8, },
- 'o': { x: 48, y: 8, width: 8, },
- 'p': { x: 56, y: 8, width: 8, },
- 'q': { x: 0, y: 16, width: 8, },
- 'r': { x: 8, y: 16, width: 8, },
- 's': { x: 16, y: 16, width: 8, },
- 't': { x: 24, y: 16, width: 8, },
- 'u': { x: 32, y: 16, width: 8, },
- 'v': { x: 40, y: 16, width: 8, },
- 'w': { x: 48, y: 16, width: 8, },
- 'x': { x: 56, y: 16, width: 8, },
- 'y': { x: 0, y: 24, width: 8, },
- 'z': { x: 8, y: 24, width: 8, },
- '0': { x: 16, y: 24, width: 8, },
- '1': { x: 24, y: 24, width: 8, },
- '2': { x: 32, y: 24, width: 8, },
- '3': { x: 40, y: 24, width: 8, },
- '4': { x: 48, y: 24, width: 8, },
- '5': { x: 56, y: 24, width: 8, },
- '6': { x: 0, y: 32, width: 8, },
- '7': { x: 8, y: 32, width: 8, },
- '8': { x: 16, y: 32, width: 8, },
- '9': { x: 24, y: 32, width: 8, },
- '-': { x: 32, y: 32, width: 8, },
- '*': { x: 40, y: 32, width: 8, },
- '!': { x: 48, y: 32, width: 8, },
- '?': { x: 56, y: 32, width: 8, },
- },
- };
- return new LabelFactory(gl, '/static/res/assets/font.png', fontInfo, shader);
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/texture.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/texture.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d6adcf..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/texture.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import type { Renderer } from "./renderer";
-export class Texture {
- texture: WebGLTexture;
- width: number;
- height: number;
- loaded: boolean;
- name: string;
- static fromImage(
- gl: WebGLRenderingContext,
- path: string,
- name: string,
- ): Texture {
- const out = new Texture(gl, name);
- const image = new Image();
- image.onload = out.setImage.bind(out, gl, image);
- image.onerror = error;
- image.src = path;
- return out;
- }
- static fromRenderer(
- gl: WebGLRenderingContext,
- name: string,
- width: number,
- height: number,
- renderer: Renderer
- ): Texture {
- const out = new Texture(gl, name);
- out.width = width;
- out.height = height;
- gl.texImage2D(
- gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, width, height, 0,
- gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
- const fb = gl.createFramebuffer();
- gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fb);
- const attachmentPoint = gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0;
- gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachmentPoint, gl.TEXTURE_2D, out.texture, 0);
- renderer.render(gl, fb, width, height);
- out.loaded = true;
- return out;
- }
- constructor(
- gl: WebGLRenderingContext,
- name: string,
- ) {
- this.loaded = false;
- this.name = name;
- this.texture = gl.createTexture();
- this.bind(gl);
- gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
- gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
- gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
- gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
- gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGBA,
- gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, new Uint8Array([255, 0, 0, 255]));
- }
- setImage(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, image: HTMLImageElement) {
- this.bind(gl);
- this.width = image.width;
- this.height = image.height;
- gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
- this.unbind(gl);
- this.loaded = true;
- }
- bind(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, location=0) {
- gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + location);
- gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture);
- }
- unbind(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) {
- gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
- }
- getWidth(): number {
- return this.width;
- }
- getHeight(): number {
- return this.height;
- }
-function error(e: any) {
- console.error("IMAGE LOAD ERROR");
- console.error(e);
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/util.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/util.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed2b4d..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/util.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-import { parse as parsePath } from 'extract-svg-path';
-import svgMesh3d from 'svg-mesh-3d';
-export interface Dictionary<T> {
- [Key: string]: T;
-interface OnLoadable {
- onload: any;
-export function onload2promise<T extends OnLoadable>(obj: T): Promise<T> {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- obj.onload = () => resolve(obj);
- });
-export function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(
- canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
- multiplier?: number,
-): boolean {
- multiplier = multiplier || 1;
- var width = canvas.clientWidth * multiplier | 0;
- var height = canvas.clientHeight * multiplier | 0;
- if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {
- canvas.width = width;
- canvas.height = height;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-export class FPSCounter {
- last: number;
- count: number;
- _delta: number;
- _prev: number;
- _frame_start: number;
- _total_frametime: number;
- constructor() {
- this.last = 0;
- this.count = 0;
- this._delta = 0;
- this._prev = 0;
- }
- frame(now: number) {
- this._frame_start = performance.now();
- this.count += 1;
- this._delta = now - this._prev;
- this._prev = now;
- if (now - this.last > 1000) {
- this.last = now;
- console.log(`${this.count} fps, ${(this._total_frametime / this.count).toFixed(2)}ms avg per frame`);
- this.count = 0;
- this._total_frametime = 0;
- }
- }
- frame_end() {
- this._total_frametime += (performance.now() - this._frame_start);
- }
- delta(now: number): number {
- return this._delta;
- }
-export class Resizer {
- hoovering = false;
- dragging = false;
- mouse_pos = [0, 0];
- last_drag = [0, 0];
- viewbox: number[];
- orig_viewbox: number[];
- el_box: number[];
- scaleX = 1;
- scaleY = 1;
- constructor(el: HTMLCanvasElement, viewbox: number[], keep_aspect_ratio=false) {
- viewbox = [-viewbox[0] - viewbox[2], - viewbox[1] - viewbox[3], viewbox[2], viewbox[3]];
- this.viewbox = [...viewbox];
- this.el_box = [el.width, el.height];
- if (keep_aspect_ratio) {
- const or_width = this.viewbox[2];
- const or_height = this.viewbox[3];
- const width_percentage = this.viewbox[2] / el.width;
- const height_percentage = this.viewbox[3] / el.height;
- if (width_percentage < height_percentage) {
- // width should be larger
- this.viewbox[2] = height_percentage * el.width;
- } else {
- // height should be larger
- this.viewbox[3] = width_percentage * el.height;
- }
- this.viewbox[0] -= (this.viewbox[2] - or_width) / 2;
- this.viewbox[1] -= (this.viewbox[3] - or_height) / 2;
- this.scaleX = this.viewbox[2] / this.viewbox[3];
- }
- this.orig_viewbox = [...this.viewbox];
- el.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.mouseenter.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true});
- el.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.mouseleave.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true});
- el.addEventListener("mousemove", this.mousemove.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true});
- el.addEventListener("mousedown", this.mousedown.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true});
- el.addEventListener("mouseup", this.mouseup.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true});
- window.addEventListener('wheel', this.wheel.bind(this), { capture: false, passive: true});
- }
- _clip_viewbox() {
- this.viewbox[0] = Math.max(this.viewbox[0], this.orig_viewbox[0]);
- this.viewbox[1] = Math.max(this.viewbox[1], this.orig_viewbox[1]);
- this.viewbox[0] = Math.min(this.viewbox[0] + this.viewbox[2], this.orig_viewbox[0] + this.orig_viewbox[2]) - this.viewbox[2];
- this.viewbox[1] = Math.min(this.viewbox[1] + this.viewbox[3], this.orig_viewbox[1] + this.orig_viewbox[3]) - this.viewbox[3];
- }
- mouseenter() {
- this.hoovering = true;
- }
- mouseleave() {
- this.hoovering = false;
- }
- mousemove(e: MouseEvent) {
- this.mouse_pos = [e.offsetX, this.el_box[1] - e.offsetY];
- if (this.dragging) {
- const scaleX = this.viewbox[2] / this.el_box[0];
- const scaleY = this.viewbox[3] / this.el_box[1];
- this.viewbox[0] += (this.last_drag[0] - this.mouse_pos[0]) * scaleX;
- this.viewbox[1] += (this.last_drag[1] - this.mouse_pos[1]) * scaleY;
- this.last_drag = [...this.mouse_pos];
- this._clip_viewbox();
- }
- }
- mousedown() {
- this.dragging = true;
- this.last_drag = [...this.mouse_pos];
- }
- mouseup() {
- this.dragging = false;
- }
- wheel(e: WheelEvent) {
- if (this.hoovering) {
- const delta = e.deltaY > 0 ? 0.1 * this.viewbox[2] : -0.1 * this.viewbox[2];
- const dx = delta * this.scaleX;
- const dy = delta * this.scaleY;
- const mouse_dx = this.mouse_pos[0] / this.el_box[0];
- const mouse_dy = this.mouse_pos[1] / this.el_box[1];
- this._zoom([dx, dy], [mouse_dx, mouse_dy]);
- }
- }
- _zoom(deltas: number[], center: number[]) {
- this.viewbox[2] += deltas[0];
- this.viewbox[0] -= deltas[0] * center[0];
- this.viewbox[2] = Math.min(this.viewbox[2], this.orig_viewbox[2]);
- this.viewbox[3] += deltas[1];
- this.viewbox[1] -= deltas[1] * center[1];
- this.viewbox[3] = Math.min(this.viewbox[3], this.orig_viewbox[3]);
- this._clip_viewbox();
- }
- get_viewbox(): number[] {
- return this.viewbox;
- }
- get_mouse_pos(): number[] {
- return this.mouse_pos;
- }
-export class Mesh {
- cells: number[];
- positions: number[];
- constructor(mesh: any) {
- this.cells = mesh.cells.flat();
- this.positions = mesh.positions.flat();
- }
-export async function url_to_mesh(url: string): Promise<Mesh> {
- return new Promise(function(resolve) {
- fetch(url)
- .then(resp => resp.text())
- .then(data => {
- // var div = document.createElement('div');
- // div.innerHTML = data;
- // var svg = div.querySelector('svg');
- var svgPath = parsePath(data);
- var mesh = svgMesh3d(svgPath, {
- delaunay: false,
- scale: 10,
- });
- resolve(new Mesh(mesh));
- })
- });
diff --git a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/vertexBufferLayout.ts b/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/vertexBufferLayout.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f44ed47..0000000
--- a/web/pw-frontend/src/lib/visualizer/webgl/vertexBufferLayout.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-import type { VertexBuffer } from './buffer';
-import type { Shader } from './shader';
-export class VertexBufferElement {
- type: number;
- amount: number;
- type_size: number;
- normalized: boolean;
- index: string;
- constructor(
- type: number,
- amount: number,
- type_size: number,
- index: string,
- normalized: boolean,
- ) {
- this.type = type;
- this.amount = amount;
- this.type_size = type_size;
- this.normalized = normalized;
- this.index = index;
- }
-export class VertexBufferLayout {
- elements: VertexBufferElement[];
- stride: number;
- offset: number;
- constructor(offset = 0) {
- this.elements = [];
- this.stride = 0;
- this.offset = offset;
- }
- // Maybe wrong normalized type
- push(
- type: number,
- amount: number,
- type_size: number,
- index: string,
- normalized = false,
- ) {
- this.elements.push(new VertexBufferElement(type, amount, type_size, index, normalized));
- this.stride += amount * type_size;
- }
- getElements(): VertexBufferElement[] {
- return this.elements;
- }
- getStride(): number {
- return this.stride;
- }
-// glEnableVertexAttribArray is to specify what location of the current program the follow data is needed
-// glVertexAttribPointer tells gl that that data is at which location in the supplied data
-export class VertexArray {
- // There is no renderer ID, always at bind buffers and use glVertexAttribPointer
- buffers: VertexBuffer[];
- layouts: VertexBufferLayout[];
- constructor() {
- this.buffers = [];
- this.layouts = [];
- }
- addBuffer(vb: VertexBuffer, layout: VertexBufferLayout) {
- this.buffers.push(vb);
- this.layouts.push(layout);
- }
- updateBuffer(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, index: number, data: number[]) {
- this.buffers[index].updateData(gl, data);
- }
- /// Bind buffers providing program data
- bind(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, shader: Shader) {
- shader.bind(gl);
- for(let i = 0; i < this.buffers.length; i ++) {
- const buffer = this.buffers[i];
- const layout = this.layouts[i];
- buffer.bind(gl);
- const elements = layout.getElements();
- let offset = layout.offset;
- for (let j = 0; j < elements.length; j ++) {
- const element = elements[j];
- const location = shader.getAttribLocation(gl, element.index);
- if (location >= 0) {
- gl.enableVertexAttribArray(location);
- gl.vertexAttribPointer(
- location, element.amount, element.type,
- element.normalized, layout.stride, offset
- );
- }
- offset += element.amount * element.type_size;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Undo bind operation
- unbind(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) {
- this.layouts.forEach((layout) => {
- layout.getElements().forEach((_, index) => {
- gl.disableVertexAttribArray(index);
- });
- })
- }